In the United States and Britain, 70th wedding anniversaries are known as "platinum anniversaries (铂金婚)". For example, celebrating the first year of marriage is known as a "paper anniversary". Fifty years of marriage marks a "gold anniversary". And the term "diamond anniversary" is used to describe a marriage that has lasted for 60 years.
In the US, people give gifts to couples when they reach certain years of their marriage. The first year anniversary is marked by giving the couple a clock. And they can get musical instruments when they reach their 24th anniversary.
In Canada, couples can receive a message from the country's governor-general (总督) on their 50th anniversary, and on every fifth anniversary after that. In the US, the president himself will send a greeting to couples that reach their 50th anniversary, and for every anniversary after that.
Or perhaps the truly cool thing is celebrating such a long life full of love and happiness with your special someone.
A. If two people reach their 10th anniversary, they can expect to receive diamond jewelry.
B. People in different countries have their own ways of celebrating wedding anniversaries.
C. The 25th wedding anniversary is popularly referred to as the "silver anniversary"
D. In Canada and the US, couples can even receive special congratulations from world leaders on certain anniversaries.
E. People often celebrate their wedding anniversary by having dinner at an expensive restaurant.
F. In fact, there are many different terms that are used to describe different marriage lengths.
G. How cool would it be to get a letter from the president?