组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

Winners Club

You choose to be a winner!

The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers. It has been made to help you better manage your money. The Winners Club is a transaction account(交易账户) where you receive a key-card so you can get to your money 24/7—that's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

It's a club with impressive features for teenagers:

No account keeping fees!

You're no millionaire so we don't expect you to pay large fees. In fact, there are no account keeping or transaction fees!

Excellent interest rates!

You want your money grow. The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits(储蓄)without taking them out in a month.


Teenagers are busy—we get that. You may never need to come to a bank at all. With the Winners Club you can choose to use handy tellers and to bank from home using the phone and the Internet. . . You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account. This could be your pocket money or your pay from your part-time job!

Mega magazine included

Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money. There are also fantastic offers and competitions only for Winners Club members.

The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers. And it is so easy to join. Simply fill in an application form. You will have to get permission from your parent or guardian(so we can organize that cool key-card) but it is easy. We can't wait to hear from you. It's the best way to choose to be a winner!


Jane Goodall is a famous animal behaviorist and has spent many years observing the behavior of chimps in their native habitat. Jane Goodall was born on April 3rd, 1934 in London, England. Her childhood dream was to spend time with animals in the wild. In particular, she was drawn to Africa and the dream of seeing wild animals in their native habitat. It was an unusual dream for a girl at the time, but her parents said to her, "We know it's different, but we are at your back. "

In 1956, Jane jumped at the opportunity to travel to a friend's farm in Kenya. It was there that Jane met the famous anthropologist, Dr Louis S. B. Leakey. Leakey was impressed with Jane's passion and knowledge of Africa and wildlife.

In 1960, Leakey and Jane began an important study of wild chimps by Lake Tanganyika. The chimps showed some fascinating habits to the group. These included meat eating, which is completely different from the previous opinion about chimps. Also, Jane saw chimps making tools to catch insects. This was an important discovery because, at the time, it was assumed only humans made tools.

The study of chimps in their native habitat was a significant event, leading to many new observations. Jane's first article My life among wild chimpanzees was published in National Geographic in 1963. Some aspects of the study were challenged. For example, some feared her decision to feed the animals might have distorted their behavior and made them more aggressive(好斗的).

In 1977, Jane set up the Jane Goodall Institute which promotes plans to look after chimps and their environment. The institute has many networks and programs all over the world.


In November 2020, US climber Emily Harrington, 34, took on El Capitan—a 3000 foot(914 meters) rock formation(岩层) in Yosemite National Park, US. She accomplished her feat within a day and became the first woman to free-climb the Golden Gate route.

It used to take weeks for rock climbers to reach the top of El Capitan, even with the help of a partner and climbing aids. In recent years, only three people—all men—had free-climbed the Golden Gate route on El Capitan in 24 hours, according to CNN.

Although rock climbing has long been dominated by men, the number of female climbers has been rising in recent years. Even in the pandemic, many of them have made great achievements and pushed human limits.

"I spent a lot of years feeling like I didn't belong, like maybe I hadn't earned my place to be a Yosemite climber," she told the San Francisco Chronicle. "But throughout this experience I learned that there is no belonging or not belonging, no formula to achievement up there. "

The rising number of female climbing enthusiasts should come as no surprise. According to the website Climbing. com. "Climbing is one of the few sports where it's possible to level the playing field. Women's flexibility helpsoffsetanything we may lack in strength, bridging the gap between the sexes. "

Legendary Austrian climber Angela Eiter is another strong female figure in the climbing world. In 2020 Eiter made news as she climbed the unknown face she calls Madame Ching in her home country.

According to the New York Post, the route was free of traces. That means Eiter has to search for the holds and predict how the moves were going to play out by herself. Worse still, the rock there is really fragile and some holds had to be fixed with glue. But after intensive indoor training to visualize(构思) the route and build up her strength, Eiter, who stands 154 cm high and weighs 46 kg, made it.

"I am not the strongest woman and I am very small, and I am happy that I can show other women that they can also do it," she told the New York Post.

As Climbing. com noted, this battle with oneself embodies(体现) the spirit behind the sport. "Maybe that's why more women feel more empowered to find their own way, break free of the mold(模式) and climb what we want to climb. Women have decided to follow their hearts. "


Recently I read an article written by Edan Lepucki and titled "Don't Play With Your Kids. Seriously. " It makes a case for parents consciously withdrawing from their children's playtime until those children are able to play independently all the time.

According to Edan Lepucki, there are two main reasons. One is that it allows the child time and space todelve intowonderful imaginary worlds that he or she is not able to enter in quite the same way if a parent is present.

The second reason is that it gives parents a break. With everything else we do on a daily basis-feeding, cleaning, disciplining, educating, transporting, and more—it's simply too much to be expected to entertain our kids actively, as well. Lepucki describes a sense of exhaustion to which I can relate.

"The constant quarrelling was so exhausting that my husband and I didn't have the energy to play the way my son preferred. After 1 scolded him, I felt guilty and frustrated"

Adopting a no-play approach changed everything, improving both the relationship with her son and her own mental wellbeing, and it has done the same for me, with my own three children.

I have another reason for choosing this approach: It builds greater independence in children. Children play differently when adults are present. They tend to rely on adults to solve conflicts,whereas when they're on their own, they have no choice but to rise to the occasion and deal with any issue.

Lenore Skenazy, the author of "Free Range Kids", told me that when adults are present, kids act like kids, but when adults leave, kids become adults. She said, "If there's an adult there, they will take over. So adults need to step back. "

Take this as your excuse to stop playing with your kids. Know that it's perfectly OK to say no, to admit you need a break, and to encourage your children to play without you. Then sit back and observe the clever, imaginative little humans you've created at play. It's a most satisfying feeling.

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

A Welcome Gift

Dario and his mother loved their new apartment. The living room was large enough for their piano. That night, the two of them1side by side at the piano. They played jazz music to celebrate their new home. The loud2filled the room and made them feel very happy.

The next morning,3, their happiness disappeared. Someone had left a4under their door during the night. One of their neighbors had written to complain (抱怨) about the sound of the piano. Dario's mother asked the building superintendent (管理员) if he knew anything about it. Rut he said that they were all5people and he couldn't imagine any of them had done that. Later that morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their6and apologize for their playing.

"Maybe we could go and7everyone in person," his mother said.

"What if we invited them to come here for a8instead?" Dario asked.

They both loved the9. Over the next few days, they sent out invitations and prepared desserts10their guests. They decorated the apartment with streamers(彩带) and party lights.

Finally, the day of the party11. Some guests brought presents. Others brought flowers. Some even brought desserts to12One woman, Mrs Gilbert,13Dario's mother with a book of piano music by Chopin.

"I heard you playing the other night," she said. "The sounds woke me out of bed. I14that you might play like this every night. So I wrote a short note. I hope you don't think I disliked the playing. "

Dario's mother smiled at Mrs Gilbert. "I think maybe we15you an apology," she said. "I didn't16how late it was when we were playing. Maybe we should play some quieter music at night. "

"You play, you play!" Mrs Gilbert said. "I like what you play! Just not so loud at night. " She pointed to the book she had given them. "These songs are not such17music. "

"These songs are beautiful music," Dario's mother said. "We will be18to play them in the evening. "

"And we won't play so loud or late!" Dario said. He was already looking forward to19the new music. More than that, however, he was happy to see the big smile on his mother's face. It gave him a feeling of20and made him feel that they were home at last.

语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

The Universal Beijing Resort, (current) the largest in scale worldwide, was open to the public on Monday, which coincided with this year's Mid-Autumn Festival holiday from Sept. 19 to 21. The film-themed lands, rides and shows, such as the Transformers Metrobase and the Harry Potter rides, and Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness among other Universal "firsts", (be) the most popular attractions during the opening so far.

In the Hollywood zone, movie lovers will not only see a recreation of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, get a behind-the-scenes film making experience at the film studios, was created by Hollywood film director Steven Spielberg and Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou. More than a magical land for cinephiles (影迷), the resort is also a foodie heaven with a total of 80 restaurants and food stalls (serve) all kinds of food that one can name from different movies.

the first Universal Studios theme park in China, UBR has many China-related elements. For example, the Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness, (inspire) by DreamWorks Animation's Film, is Universal's first "land" with such a theme. The land has small bridges and flowing water. Lanterns are hung in many places. Accompanied with Chinese music, visitors can eat (variety) of Chinese desserts in restaurants that look like ancient buildings.

Building such an (impress) park isn't easy. But Chinese (wise) and power help push it forward. It is the fifth worldwide for Universal Studios and the third in Asia, after Japan and Singapore.
