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日期: 2024-10-04
完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

From an early age, Ara loved watching the cows in the green fields in her village every day. When she was ten, she asked her parents if they could 1a cow. Her father thought it would take much work and suggested learning about cows from the2in the community first.

The first farm they visited was fantastic, which smelled fresh, like plants and rain. The cows were munching( 嚼 )on leaves, clean and smiling. They produced lots of tasty milk. However, the second farm was 3. The cows were smelly and covered in dirt. When Ara asked about the milk, the farmers shook their heads.

That night, Ara couldn't fall asleep, wondering what she could do to help the sad cows. Finally, she4a plan with her parents. She asked the first farmers if they would help the second farmers, and they5 . Ara organized a meeting and the first farmers shared their 6 . The advice they offered was so 7that everyone learned a lot.

Weeks later, Ara found that the second farm was much cleaner. The farmers got more milk. They were thankful to Ara and willing to share tips with others. At the next meeting, Many more farmers 8 .

That evening, Ara's father gave her a big hug and said, "You have made a difference to our9!" Thinking about all the cows and people she helped, Ara smiled, though she didn't own a cow in the end. "One can create positive change to the world at any age, "she thought 10, What will be your change to make?

阅 读 理 解(共15小题,每小题1.5分)
阅下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

At 9 o'clock on December 10th, 2021, with the sound of a whistle(哨), train G2197 slowly ran out of Ganzhou West Station and headed south to Shenzhen North Station. This marked the opening of the Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway, which includes 14 stations, with a total length of 436 kilometers. The total travel time between the two cities has been cut from 6 hours to 2 hours.

The building of the Ganshen high-speed railway was filled with challenges. As the railway travels through the mountainous areas of southern Jiangxi and northern Guangdong, workers had to be careful with many cultural landscapes(风景)and protection areas. When it was completed, 323 bridges and 157 tunnels( 隧 道 )were built, taking up 90% of the total length.

By taking the new route, it is convenient for passengers to visit the beautiful places along the line. For example, you can walk into the Shenzhen Museum to review the city's development, go to Heyuan to experience the amazing Wanlv Lake, or explore the ancient Tongtian Rock Caves in Ganzhou.

Ganzhou is known as the "Orange Capital of the World". With the high-speed railway's operation, more travellers from Guangdong have arrived and Ganzhou oranges are getting more popular.

"It used to take me six hours to drive home on Fridays, but now I can get home in time to pick up my child from school. What's more, I can even drop him off at school on Monday mornings before I go to work, "said Chen Yu, a Ganzhou local who works in Shenzhen.

Chen's life is a typical one that has changed with the railway. More and more wonderful changes along the high-speed railway are taking place.

阅下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

I took up baking(烘焙)when I was twelve. At that time I was working on my school bakery project with my classmates. I tried a few times, but I wasn't very successful. My parents. advised I learn from my grandmother, who later gave me her recipe(食谱)and instruction as well. After two years' practice, I was able to make delicious bread. I have come to realize making bread means a lot to me although it takes a long time.

To make bread, others usually use quick-rise yeast(酵母), but I don't. Every Saturday morning, after mixing proper amount of water with flour, sugar etc, I take time to wait for the dough to rise. This is my way to slow down and smell the roses.

Baking does require great patience. In my hands, the dough is slowly growing. It's becoming softer. I can feel the change, which connects me to something quite different from the modern way of living. To me, making bread is a push against our culture of convenience. It certainly takes more time than buying bread from a store, but I enjoy it.

I've stuck with my grandmother's recipe without making any change. Now this tradition has continued for years. Sometimes, in order to fit it in, I have to change my schedule. But I have never considered givingitup.

By the time my children get home from school, the bread has been baked and cooled. They step into the house and the first thing they do is to take a deep breath of the warm, honeyed air. My bread-baking has also helped them to slow down and understand the value of taking their time and leading an unhurried life.


The giant Amazon rainforest in South America has been a mystery for centuries. It holds all kinds of natural wonders. Among them in Colombia, a river stands out as "the most beautiful river" in the world.

Locally called Carnio Cristales, this special river lies in a national park. It is made up of several waterfalls, rapids, and plenty of pools. For most of the year, Canio Cristales looks like a common river: clean, green, and rocky. However, during the short period between September and November, the river explodes(迸发)with life and colour It appears as any mix of colours including blue, green, yellow, orange, and a purplish red. So it is also known as the "River of Five Colours".

Although at first it may appear as if some chemicals were added to the water, this rainbow river is completely natural. Cafio Cristales' colours are the result of a rare (稀有) water plant which needs sunlight to grow. The plants change colour depending on how much sunlight they receive, and the amount is decided by the height and speed of the water. Therefore, it is possible for the plants to be totally colourless if the sunlight is too hard to get. They are a delicateplant. This makes them easily damaged in the water.

Actually, the river faces some problems, including drier seasons, wildlife trouble, waste management, and budget( 预 算 )cuts. In 2007, the park was forced to close because it was over-crowded with tourists. Now the park admits only 200 people a day and requires them to mind their behaviour.

Today, Cano Cristales still shines among Colombia's most popular natural attractions, drawing thousands of tourists every year.


A. Get properly warmed up first

B. Warm-ups do good to your heart ·

C. Make sure the coach holds your interest

D. Jumping rope is the easiest one to get into shape'

E. These include foot, leg, knee and even back injuries

F. This slower ending is better for you than a sudden stop

Whether you're stuck inside from terrible weather, or shyness, there are ways to exercise indoors every day. Here's how you can work out effectively at home.

A good warm-up makes sure your body gets much-needed oxygen. When your body is warm, you'll move better. Warm-ups also help reduce stress on your heart and the possibilities of getting hurt. So it's necessary to warm up before you start to work out.

Start with a HIIT exercise

There are many kinds of HIIT exercises. . It can help burn fat effectively. It also

works out both the upper and lower body and especially develops your core( 核 心 )strength. In some ways, it's friendlier to the knees than running and speed walking.

Follow exercise videos that suit you

If you do a quick internet search, you will be amazed at the number of exercise videos

Young or old, male or female, you can find several that will work best for you. Some world-famous coaches even teach live lessons everyday.

Don't forget to cool down

Just like warming up ahead of time reduces injury(受伤), so does cooling down. Regular cool-downs after exercise are important because it's best to slowly reduce your heart rate (心率).
