组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 1-5 重难点提优训练

日期: 2024-07-07
Do you know what (发生) to him yesterday?
I get up late, so I have to eat breakfast (快速) to get to school on time.
Look at the photo (仔细地), and you will find our teacher.
A strong wind came from behind (突然) and we lost the umbrella in the wind.
My sister is good at maths, but a litter w (弱) in English.
There are twelve(shower) in this bathroom.
The stories are (real) interesting. I like them very much.
David is always the first(come) to school in his class.

Did you a singer called Li Keqin?


My uncle thirteen cities in Jiangsu last year.


The teacher into the classroom a book in his hand .


When you are , you can your friends help.


As a student, you should learn how to .

Mr. White had lunch at school yesterday. (改一般疑问句)
Mr White lunch at school yesterday?
He enjoyed the film yesterday. (改为否定句) 
He   the film yesterday.
Andy found a small catin the bushes. (对划线部分提问)
Andy a small cat?
We spent three hours walking around the park(同义句改写).

three hours around the park.

When fish sleep, their eyes are open(同义句).
Fish sleep their .

Camp Zoo is a wonderful place. The animals here are very cute. They are nice and fto each other. But Giraffe is different. Why? He is always getting others' food. He can do that because he has a long n.

When other animals have nothing to eat, there is always pof food in Giraffe's place. The other animals feel qbad, so they pto do something. They put a sign at Giraffe's door. It s, "The robber (强盗) giraffe. "

" W do you call Giraffe the robber, Mr Lion?" a child asks the k of the animal world. The lion answers, "Because he takes our food away every day. He is not kind. "

All the visitors lat Giraffe. And they stop visiting him. So Camp Zoo sends (送) Giraffe to another zoo.

Giraffe knows he is w. In the new place, he never gets other animals' food any more.
