组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19
阅读理解(本大题共15小题, 共37. 5分)

The best children's museums in the U. S. feature some exhibits that kids want to see.

Children's Museum of Indianapolis

This museum measures 472, 900 square feet and sits on 29 acres of land. Exhibits are all about hands-on learning. For example, dinosaur lovers will go crazy. Now you're in their world, where kids don't just look at real dinosaur skeletons (骨架); they can dig for bones in the sand.

Boston Children's Museum

This century-old Boston hotspot gives kids experiences that will help them learn life skills. The museum became the city's first"green"museum in 2007, because of its eco-friendly 23, 000-square-foot addition and unique waterfront park. Whether your kids are into art, music, building, science, pretend play or all of the above, there's plenty for them to do or see in the museum.

The Strong National Museum of Play

This museum has too many awesome exhibits to list here, but one of the most popular is the year-round indoor butterfly garden. Reading Adventureland is also a hit for pretend play and helps form a love of books. If you're a history lover, hit the National Toy Hall of Fame.

Children's Museum of Houston

Bring your kids to this great children's museum, and you'll feel as if you're stepping into another world!Kidtropolis is a huge pretend city where kids run the show. It's complete with its own city hall, bank, news center, vet's office and other common workplaces. Here young inventors can also create their own gadgets (小装置) in the Invention Convention.


Three years ago, I got the chance to spend a month as a volunteer helping out in a hospital in Africa. I had one month left at high school, and I was interested in studying medicine at university. I thought it was the perfect chance to get some practical experience and to see if I really wanted to be a doctor.

It was a month that changed my life. I was introduced to a new world that is very different to mine in so many ways. I was horrified at how poor so many of the families over there are and how difficult their lives can be. But I was even more amazed at how positively people go about their everyday lives in Africa. The way they come together and help each other is a real inspiration, and something I think a lot of us have forgotten in the United States. I think many of us don't realize how lucky we are.

My work in the hospital was hard. I spent a lot of time washing floors, cleaning toilets and changing bed sheets. I also got to spend some time looking after the patients. But it was such an honor for me to listen to a patient's story and communicate with people from so many walks of life. And I also got the chance to talk to some doctors and ask them about the profession. I saw some truly awful things in the hospital, but none of them changed my mind about being a doctor. In fact, they only made me more determined to do medicine.

It has been a great experience volunteering in Africa. When I finish, I know exactly what I'm going to do:I want to work for an international organization like the Red Cross and spend my life helping people who haven't been as lucky in life as me. I can't wait to get started.


Why do Americans struggle with watching their weight, while the French, who consume rich food, continue to stay thin?Now a research by Cornell University suggests how life style and decisions about eating may affect weight. Researchers concluded that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full. However, Americans tend to stop when their plates are empty or their favorite TV show is over.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a health expert, the French see eating as an important part of their life style. They enjoy food leisurely and therefore spend a fairly long time at the table, while Americans see eating as something to be squeezed between the other daily activities. Even their fast-food meals are lengthy compared to the typical American's. A study in Psychological Science found that Parisians who dined at McDonald's spent an average of 22 minutes eating, while Philadelphian McDonald's-goers were in and out in just 14 minutes. Mercola believes Americans lose the ability to sense when their stomachs are actually full. So they keep eating long after the French would have stopped. In addition, he points out that Americans drive to huge supermarkets to buy canned and frozen foods for the week. The French, instead, tend to shop daily, walking to small shops and farmers' markets where they have a choice of fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggs as well as high-quality meats for each meal. After a visit to the United States, Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don't Get Fat, decided to write about the importance of knowing when to stop rather than suggesting how to avoid food. Today she continues to stay slim and rarely goes to the gym.

In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits. Today the rate of obesity among adults is only 6%. However, as American fast food gains acceptance and the young reject older traditions, the obesity rate among French children has reached 17%-and is growing.


Commercial airlines alone contribute around 3% of total global carbon emissions. But the industry is actively looking for green solutions in the form of sustainable jet fuel, and in one case, that fuel may have had a previous life as your household food waste. In a study released this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers detail a method of transforming food waste into sustainable jet fuel that can be used in existing engines.

Biomass(生物质), such as manure(粪便)and food waste, can be transformed into bio-fuels, which are renewable liquid fuels made from organic matter. Derek Vardon, a senior research engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), says that their fuel worked as a mixture of 90% conventional petrol jet fuel and 10% alternative jet fuel required by the industry currently. They also show they could push it to a 70/30 mixture, which will be possible in real world with more time and testing.

Major airline companies are eager to get involved in sustainable aviation fuel because some sustainable solutions, such as battery-operated commercial planes, just aren't possible yet with current battery technology. A battery-powered plane would be too heavy to fly long distances, so fuel that works in the same way as the fuel we have is a simpler way to trade out emission-heavy fossil fuels.

Vardon says that because the wet waste used in the process would normally go to a landfill(垃圾填埋场)and break down to release greenhouse gases, the process of making and using sustainable aviation fuel could actually have a negative carbon footprint when scaled up.

Commercial airlines areon boardto find an affordable and sustainable solution to the carbon-intensive process of air travel. Airlines are looking to hit aggressive sustainability goals by 2050, including decreasing net carbon dioxide emissions by 50%.

阅读七选五(本大题共5小题, 共12. 5分)

Why is Eating Colourful Food Good for You?

Most of us are faced with the same choice numerous times a day:what to eat. Along with price, accessibility and preference, we'll often use a food's healthfulness to help us make a decision.  

It's widely accepted by researchers that we need a varied diet.  The proof may be in the Mediterranean diet, which contains a lot of fruit, vegetables and healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, and is frequently rated the healthiest diet by scientists.

Eating lots of colours may lower your risk of missing out on all vital nutrients. "If we're missing a colour of the rainbow, we may be missing a function of that food, "says Minich. This is because plant foods contain thousands of natural compounds, which have anti-inflammatory(抗炎的)benefits.

 Blue and purple foods, including blueberries, have a high content of the plant anthocyanin(花青素), which has been linked to lowering the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Flavones(黄酮类化合物), which give foods a yellow colour, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

A research fellow at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health says eating a colourful diet can also help people avoid possible side effects of eating too much of one food. "  For example, research has found that orange juice is associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline, but too much intake is associated with type 2 diabetes, "she says. Although, this is because of its sugar content, not flavonoids(黄酮类).

Eating a rainbow diet may also be complex.  We could get into trouble. We also need to eat from other food groups to get all the nutrients we need, such as protein.

A. Food is very complex.

B. A varied diet is packed with different vegetables.

C. Different coloured foods come with different benefits.

D. But how do we know we're getting enough nutrients?

E. It could be really difficult to get every colour every day.

F. However, is colour the best guide to getting all the nutrients?

G. And one way to do this is by eating all the colours of the rainbow.

完形填空(本大题共15小题, 共15. 0分)

When Justin was 7, he suffered from a disease. Over the years, the little boy had gone through a total of five corrective surgeries. Because of the disease, Justin could no longer walk and was 1 to a wheelchair. But this did not stop him from living a2 life thanks to his mother's love and others' help.

After entering high school, Justin got interested in playing the3 and joined the school's band. He4 a strong friendship with his partner Tom in the band. As Thanksgiving Day5 , the band intended to perform in the Thanksgiving Day Parade and every member had the chance to join in, including Justin. However, there was one6 problem. Justin could not control his wheelchair and play the trumpet at the same time. Tom7 to push Justin during his marches. From then on, the two practiced together. To help Justin, Tom sacrificed(牺牲)far beyond8 . He needed to9 more time to take care of Justin. 10 losing the opportunity to perform, he even missed his football training several times. All of these were seen by Justin and the 11 of guilt weighed heavily on his mind.

Therefore, he turned to his mother for help. "Mom, could you please push me in the Thanksgiving Day Parade instead of Tom? He 12 his chance of performing to assist me. ""Sure, my dear!"With Mom's participation, the practice went13 and joyfully.

Thanksgiving finally came, as did Justin and mom's performance. The mother and son were indeed a perfect 14 in the parade, which soon became the center of attention. Sometimes one person may not walk, but love and15 can help go anywhere.

单句语法填空(本大题共10小题, 共10. 0分)
语法填空(本大题共1小题, 共15. 0分)
书面表达(本大题共2小题, 共40. 0分)

When the night fell, James, a middle school student in London, dragged his tired body home. In order to save money to buy himself a new bike, he had been working at a restaurant for over a month during the summer vacation. He had already earned some money. With one more week, he would have his dream bike.

Entering the room, James found his younger brother Adam sitting on the edge of his bed with an uneasy expression on his face. James stared at Adam confusedly.

"Sorry. I did something wrong, " Adam said, on the verge of tears.

"What's the matter with you?" James asked.

"This afternoon I went to play football on the road outside the house and accidentally hit our neighbor Mr. Black's car. I was so scared and I hurried home in panic without telling him, " Adam said, full of guilt.

"Is the car seriously damaged?" James couldn't wait to continue asking.

"The ball hit the car back and the tail light got broken, " Adam said in a low voice.

"It's truly your fault. It's really dangerous to play football on the road. What's worse, you shouldn't have come back without telling Mr. Black about it. You are such a naughty boy, " James raised his voice. Hearing this, Adam lowered his head and bit his lips hard. James added, "Anyway, it's never too late to mend. I'11 take you to his house tomorrow to apologize. Now it's time to sleep. "

When Adam went bed, James couldn't go to sleep himself. Father always told him to be honest, to be a boy admired by the people and to be an example of his brother. He was sorry for his brother's behavior. He shouldn't have blamed his brother after he did something wrong. But he could understand him. Anyway, Adam was only a boy of seven and what had happened really scared him. But as his elder brother, he should pay for it though this might delay his plan of having the bike. "Nothing serious. At worst, I can take more summer jobs, " he said to himself.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;  
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

James got up early the next morning.           

Mr. Black was a little surprised to see the brothers.          
