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吉林省·2023年中考英语冲刺大练习 06 阅读判断

日期: 2024-09-18

People come in all shapes and sizes, colors and races. Some speak differently while others act differently. 

My mother is in a wheelchair(轮椅). I would like to say something about this special woman I call "Mommy". 

My mom does what a mom needs to do every day. She picks me up from school, drives me to meetings, cook dinner, and helps me with my homework. This is just part of what makes her great, though. 

She is my best friend and can immediately notice when I am unhappy. She helps me solve problems that my friends do not understand. Mommy makes me laugh when times are hard. I look forward to coming home because I know there is someone there who cares about what I have done. 

Mommy has always tried to be like a "normal mom. But I think my mother is a wonderful woman and she doesn't need to change. She teaches me life lessons that no teacher or friend can. She shows me how to accept everyone for what is inside, rather than what is on the outside. 

You may have realized that all the qualities I admire have nothing to do with what she looks like. Everyone could be the way he is, but most are not. 

I want everyone to look beyond(超出) the surface and see what is inside others. You may fail to notice someone who is very special like my mom because you cannot accept their outside characters. 


According to a common saying, "Honesty is the best policy."But in daily life, honesty can be difficult. Lying often seems like a good way to make people happy or avoid being punished for mistakes. Some people lie out of habit, without even realizing they're doing it. But despite(尽管)all this, honesty is really worth the effort.

One reason for honesty is that lies are difficult to maintain (保持).There's always a chance that the person you lied to will find out the truth. Is the advantage from lying really worth the risk?

Lies are also difficult to hide because they are harder to remember than the truth. If you make up a story, you have to remember all about it. And the more lies you tell, the more stories you have to remember. But if you tell the truth, you will never have trouble remembering.

Another reason to avoid lying is that lying can harm others. People who believe your lies might make bad decisions because of them. If your friends find out you lied to them, they will question whether they can trust you.

Oppositely, if you always tell the truth, you will develop the fame for honesty. This will help you in every area of your life. Business deals, friendships, family and other relationships all depend on trust.

Honesty, however, doesn't mean that you have to say everything you think. Sometimes it's best to remain silent if your words might hurt someone else. Honesty means that when you speak, you tell the truth without holding any information back. When you do that, you will feel more relaxed and enjoy stronger relationships.

根据短文内容, 判断句子正误。

Mike Reynolds builds houses from recycled materials. These houses are a symbol of his war against waste. Mike's houses are built using the things that other people throw away. His Earthships (as his houses are called) are beautiful buildings. They are shaped and colored to reflect the fields around them. He uses bottles to create beautiful walls full of light. There are plants everywhere, inside and outside. But the plants and the bottles, like everything else in the Earthships, are not only there for decoration (装饰).

Every single material in an Earthship is carefully chosen. Old car tires are used to build strong outside walls. The rubber protects the houses from the cold winds in winter. These walls are built at the back of the house. The walls at the front of the house are built from metal cans or glass bottles. They're held together with earth from the ground around them.

The beautiful bottle walls are built to the south to give light during the day. The larger front windows heat the house. They also create perfect conditions for growing all kinds of fruits and vegetables because the plants are protected against the bad weather. When you live in an Earthship, you don't need anything from the outside world. You grow your own food. You get electricity from the sun and wind, and you get water from the rain and snow.

Mike and some other Earthship builders use their ability and experience to help people all over the world. In 2010, they visited Haiti in the earthquake. They taught people there how to build safe, new homes quickly and cheaply from materials that they could find around them. Mike points out that waste is always there because we humans create it—but we can also learn to recycle it.


With labels (标签) such as "zero sugar, zero fat, zero calories", some diet drinks(低糖饮料) have been placed in places that are easily seen in supermarkets. But how do these drinks taste sweet without sugar?

One of China's most popular drink brands, Genki Forest, apologized (道歉) on April 10 for deceptively(欺骗地) advertising its products as having no sugar. In a statement, the fast-growing companysaid that the difference between "sugar-free" and "sucrose-free(无蔗糖)"was not well explained in the product packaging, leading to a" misunderstanding?.

Now the company has changed the words from "sugar-free" to "low sugar" on the bottles. But many internet users don't buy the apology and feel like they've been tricked into putting on weight.

In fact, there are many kinds of sugar. Sucrose is just one of them. Other kinds of sugar, such as fructose(果糖) and sugar alcohol(糖醇), are still in Genki Forest drinks. These types of sugars offer little energy, but a small amount of them can make drinks taste sweet. That's why diet drinks like Genki Forest are popular among people who want to lose weight.

However, these sweeteners(甜味剂)might make people eat more. When you eat sweet-tasting things, it sends your brain a "sweet signal", which then tells your body to prepare itself to take in energy. But since diet soft drinks have little energy, the brain will not receive what it is expecting. In this situation, you will feel hungry and start eating more food to get energy.

According to China Daily, drinking too many diet drinks might lead to getting fat and Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病).Compared with sugar-sweetened drinks, zero-calorie sweet drinks are helpful for preventing from being overweight, but compared with water, diet drinks are not that healthy.
