组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05

You have lots of things you'd like to do. But sometimes it's hard to get to the finish line –just like your goal. How can you break your bad habits and develop good ones? Here are a few opinions we often get from kids, followed by ideas that might help.

●I can't get away from screens.

If you usually spend time lying on the sofa and watching TV programs or a video when you're bored, go somewhere else instead. Take a book to your room or your violin to the backyard. Or ask if you can help cook in the kitchen.

Start with" showing up." Then take one small step or do one tiny task, followed by another and another. For example, how do I practice the piano? First sit at it. Then play one note at a time.

Starting with a super - simple step often helps. Why? It's easy, quick, and gets you in action.

●I have no time.

Take a look at the choices you make about how you spend time. Do those choices show what's important to you? Can you spare 10-minutes a day to work on a goal? Let's suppose you want to be singer. Talk with a parent about why your goal counts. Discuss whether you can let go of something less important to free up time to achieve it.

A. Then keep taking steps.

B. I can't start such a huge goal.

C. And how can you try to reach your goals?

D. To change a habit, try changing where you spend your time.

E. Is it more important to practice singing than play video games?

先通读短文,掌握其大意, 然后从A、B、C、D个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

A man -walked in the desert for two days. He1a sand storm during the trip. After the sand storm, he lost the sense of 2. While he was unable to hold on, he suddenly found a small old house. He pulled his3. body into the house. There was only some wood inside. He walked to the corner hopelessly, but suddenly 4 a water pump.

Excitedly, he went to draw water(抽水), 5 he couldn't pump water no matter how hard he tried. He sat on the ground6. Just at that time, he saw a small bottle with a cork(瓶塞). There was a yellow 7posted on the bottle, which read," You must put the water into the pump before you can draw water! Don't 8 before you leave, refill it with water!" He pulled the cork and found the bottle was really filled with water! He could hardly believe his9.

At this moment, he thought, "If I only think about myself, as long as I drink the water in the bottle, I can be10to go out of this desert! If I do as the note told to put the only water into the pump and the water can't come back, I will be11to death. Will I take the risk or not?"

Finally, he made a 12 to do what the note told him and began to draw water with his shaking hands. Sure enough, the water really13!

After he drank enough water, he filled the bottle with water. He enveloped(封住)it with the cork and14 his words after the note, "Believe me, it's really 15. You should learn to pay before you get it!"


happy  if  but interesting  come  meaning  clean  by  thing  celebrate

It was Friday afternoon. After getting off the school bus, Laura ran into the house .

"How was school, Lara?" asked her mom.

"It was great, Mc. n. Labor Day (劳动节) is . I am excited that I will have no school next Monday!"

Laura was woken up early on Labor Day morning her dad. He said that in honor of(纪念)Labor Day, the family planned to do some cleaning. Laura couldn't believe it. She began to wonder this was just a bad dream.

"Laura, your breakfast is ready. We have many to do today. Let's get a move on, "said Laura's mom. Laura asked her parents, ""Are you serious about working today? Isn't Labor Day a holiday?"

"Yes, Laura, it is, "replied her dad. "But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you realize why Labor Day was in the beginning. "

Laura disliked the plan, she had no choice. First, she was asked to wash the breakfast dishes. After that, her dad told her to give their dog a bath. It was a hard task, which needed a lot of careful work. She began the work unhappily.

But things began to change as she was doing the chores. She found it was so with so many soap bubbles(泡泡) when she brushed the dog. Then it was yard work and she helped to pick up sticks. When she finished her chores, Laura felt happy to see the yard looked much than before.

Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something can also get special pleasure: Maybe this is the spirit of Labor Day.
