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2023年中考英语热门话题练习 03 Animal Protection

日期: 2024-09-19

Most polar bears could disappear by the end of the century because of global warming, scientists say. According to a study in Nature Climate Change, the number of most polar bears will1rapidly by 2080. There are 2 reasons. One is that the sea ice is melting. Polar bears catch seals (海豹) 3 on the ice. 4 ice, they have to stay on land. But there are no 5 food on land to support so many bears. The animals could die from hunger. The other reason is that mother bears may not be fat enough to6 milk for their babies, so some mother bears could stop7.

Polar bears are 8land animals that eat meat on the planet. They help 9 other kinds of animals. Losing them would break the balance of their living place.

The Arctic (北冰洋) is the 10 to about 25,000 polar bears. Arctic sea ice usually melts in spring and summer, and then grows in winter. But now, the 11 is taking longer to grow back. Scientists say that the Arctic is warming twice as 12 as the rest of the planet.

The study also shows 13 it is possible to slow Arctic melting. Greenhouse gas could lead to14 change. In order to avoid creating greenhouse gas, the world should try to stop burning coal and riding in cars.

Saving the bears is up to us. Holland, one of the writers of the study, says, "I believe there is hope, but humans need to act15 to make that hope come true." Let's take action to protect our earth and save polar bears.


All over the world, thousands of animals are used for wildlife tourism(旅游业). People travel to watch monkey shows, hug baby tigers and swim with dolphins. It might look like fun, but there are reports that animals are hurt now and again. The World Animal Protection (WAP) says that up to 550,000 wild animals are exposed(暴露) to ill treatment around the world; in Cambodia, for example, it's been reported that elephants have died after carrying tourists for long in hot weather. This is getting changed—over 100 travel companies have promised that they will no longer open up such places. However, some people argue(争论) that animal tourism isn't always as bad as it seems. So what do you think?

Group Yes

•Animals weren't put on this planet for enjoyment. They should be free to live as they choose.

•The way animals are treated is often cruel (残忍的) and causes much pain. Even if treated well, they cannot act in the same way as they would in the wild.

•We don't need wildlife tourism. We can see animals close up in their natural home in TV programs. There's no need to disturb (打扰) them in real life.

Group No

•It is enjoyable and educational(有教育意义的) for people to communicate with the wonderful animals. The more people know about them, the more they want to protect them.

•Wildlife tourism brings money to poor areas and may be the only way for some people to make a living.

•Not all animals are treated badly. Some endangered animals are under the protection of programs that look after rare species(稀有物种).


One night during winter, a bear came into the city of Vancouver in Canada. It walked through the streets, found some food in trash bins (垃圾箱) and started eating. In the morning, someone saw the bear and called the police. They came and took the bear back to the mountains. Luckily ( 幸运地), the bear was safe. But what happens in other countries when big animals go into cities?

In Cape Town, South Africa, baboons (狒狒) go into the city when they are hungry. Sometimes they go into houses and take food from fridges! They can scare (惊吓) people. But the city can be dangerous for baboons too. 

Sometimes, they die in traffic accidents (交通事故). Human food is very bad for their teeth. It has a lot of sugar. Now, there are baboon monitors (监督员) working in Cape Town. These people return the animals to the countryside. 

In Moscow, there are 35,000 wild dogs. They live in parks, old houses, markets and train stations. Many people give them food and water. Some make small houses for the dogs in their gardens. This helps them during winter. 

In some cities, you can see birds, insects (昆虫), mice and squirrels (松鼠) every day. But sometimes, bigger animals can be dangerous. We need to stop them from coming into the city without hurting them. 
