组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19
听独白,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。(每小题2分)
完形填空 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)

It was the start of a new term. A little boy told his 1  there was going to be a school meeting. He felt 2  when his mother said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teachers met his mother and he felt sorry for her 3 . She was a kind and loving woman , 4  there was a big scar (伤疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her face. The boy hated the ugly scar, so he 5  wanted to talk about it.

At the meeting, some people talked with the mother as if they hadn't noticed the scar on her face. But the little boy was still uncomfortable and 6 himself at a corner. However, he heard a(n) 7 between his mother and his teacher.

The teacher asked seriously, "How did you 8 the scar on your face?"

The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught fire. Everyone was too 9 to go in because the fire was out of control, so I went in. As I was running 10 towards his bed, I saw a piece of burning wood falling down. I placed myself over him trying to 11 him. I was knocked senseless,but luckily,a fireman came in and saved 12 . " She touched the burned side of her face, "This scar will be lasting, but to this day, I have never 13 what I did."

At this point, the little boy 14 , running towards his mother with tears in her eyes. He held her in his arms, feeling sorry for how he had treated her and saying 15  to his mother for what she had done for him. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.

阅读理解 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)

China is a country with many great mountains. Some of them have beautiful sights while others are rich in cultural value. The mountains listed below are either among the most famous or the most beautiful.

Mount Taishan

Mount Taishan is one of the most famous mountains in China. It has always been seen as a symbol of power (权力) and peace. Many emperors came here to show respect to heaven and earth.

There are two must-see sights on the mountain. The first is the Jade Emperor Peak, which is at the top of Mount Taishan. It offers tourists amazing views of the whole mountain, including sunrise, sunset, and a sea of clouds. The second is Bixia Temple. It has a group of ancient buildings with five large halls.

Mount Huashan

Mount Huashan is famous for its natural cliffs (峭壁) and narrow paths. It has five great peaks. The East Peak is the best place for seeing sunrise; the North Peak is famous for its sea of clouds; the South Peak is the highest peak (2, 155 meters) of Mount Huashan; the West Peak is a huge rock shaped like a lotus flower; the Middle Peak is at the center of the five peaks.

The way up the mountain is known as one of the most dangerous walks in the world. The mountain also has several famous temples.

Mount Huangshan


● Strange Pines (松树). Some stand alone on peaks. Others hang downwards from the cliffs.

● Absurd Stones. They can look like humans or animals. It depends on the direction in which you look.

● Seas of Clouds. They often make the peaks seem like large and small isalnds. 

● Hot Springs. They have been well-known since ancient times.


Tom always lived for grades. He was always interested in books and ideas. Why should he care about people? They only made fun of him. They were jealous (妒忌的) because he was so smart, or so he thought. It seemed that Tom knew everything — except one thing. He didn't know how to get along with other people.

He made his parents believe that school was a waste of time, so he began home schooling with special teachers. He dreamed of being the youngest person to enter university, and he sent letters to famous professors (教授) to see if it was possible.

One day, the doorbell rang. When Tom opened the door, there was his idol-Professor Rosen. Tom was so excited that he could hardly speak. The two talked for a long time, exchanging ideas. The professor was surprised at what this young boy knew. "Tom, tell me about your friends. What do you do for fun?" the professor wanted to know.

There was silence as Tom realised that he didn't really have any friends. "Well, I don't have time for all that. I'm too busy with my studies," he said.

"That's a problem, Tom. You have to learn that the world is not just filled with ideas. It's filled with people. And you have to remember to be what you are … a boy. Boys need to have fun."

The professor talked a bit more and then said, "I have to go, but I have a test for you. In this box, there are three things. I want you to learn how to use them. It is not very simple and you'll need another person to help you. Experiment and learn how to use them, and I'll be back in a week to see how you're doing. Then, I'll have another test for you."

The professor left and Tom opened the box. Inside were two baseball gloves and a ball. He tried on a glove and picked up the ball, looking at the other glove with a bright smile …


① One morning, I got up early and decided to make an apple pie for my mum. I called my grandma for help, followed a TV program to make jam and waited excitedly. I enjoyed every step so much that I didn't notice three hours pass by. Although the pie looked terrible and was not that delicious, Mum ate it up and told me it was the best pie that she had ever had. For the first time, I realised that although I didn't make the pie successfully, I really enjoyed the process (过程).

② The process is important because it brings us something bigger than the result itself. That is, we always have new experiences during the process, which may help us improve our skills or form good relationships with others. If we just concentrate      on the result and do not enjoy the process, we will be more likely to feel disappointed and want to give up. As a result, we will never understand the real meaning of success.

③ But in this busy world, we see a lot of successful people are in competition. How can we enjoy the process? Well, the question has the answer in itself.

④ Don't always compare yourself with others. First of all, we are all different. And success means different things to us. For some, success means being famous, while for others, it may be health or power. Ride your own ride.

⑤ Slow down. You need to stop expecting immediate results in what you do and learn to be patient. Impatience leads to unhappiness. Do it slowly, but never stop.

⑥ Reward (奖励) yourself. Divide the process into small steps, and give yourself a reward after completing each of them. Rewarding yourself for small wins can go a long way. For example, if you are in the process of losing weight, enjoy your favourite cake once in a while.

任务型阅读 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
阅读下面材料,根据文中信息为学校主题活动"BrightEyes, Bright Views"制作一张英文海报,完成以下任务。

任务A: 补全第46̶ 49 题的信息。每空限填一词

任务B: 写一个句子,完成第 50 题。不超过 15 个词

To see the world around us, we use our eyes. Our eyes are very clever. Each eye catches a different picture, so we can have a 3D picture of what we see. Our eyes can help us to see things that are a very long way away or very close. We can see well when it is bright or dark. Being able to see well is really important. We do things every day where, if we couldn't see well, it would be very dangerous.

Our eye is made up of different parts. In the middle of the eye is the pupil that lets in light. The coloured part is called the iris, which helps the pupil open and close. The eyelid can stop the eyeball from being dry and protect it. The eyelashes keep dirt and other things away from our eyes.

Our eyes will not work so well when we don't use them properly. So it's very necessary for us to take good care of our eyes. There are many things we can do to protect them. For example, it's good for us to get our eyes checked at least twice a year.

Our eyes are amazing and are working hard every second we are awake. Be kind to our eyes!


Bright Eyes, Bright Views

See the world with our eyes

● Our eyes are clever. Each eye sees a  picture and helps form a 3D picture.   

●Our eyes are important. They help us do a lot of things safely every day.

Know about our eyes

1. The Pupil-the part in the center of the eye that lets in .

2. The Iris-the coloured part that helps the pupil  and close.

3. The Eyelid-it keeps the eyeball  and protects the eyeball.

4. The Eyelashes-they stop dirt and other things from getting into our eyes.

Look after our eyes

● Check our eyes at least twice a year.


词汇运用 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
语法填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
书面表达 (共 1 小题,共 20 分)