组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)

On the 3rd of July, about six in the morning, I was watering my flowers. A young man entered the garden. He was blonde, beardless; he wore a German cap and gold glasses in a proud way. A long, loose woolen coat hung down in a sad way around his body. He wore no gloves; his leather shoes had huge soles. I put down my watering-pot, and greeted him in German with:"Guten Morgen!""Monsieur,"he said to me in French,but with a very unpleasant accent,"my name is Hermann Schultz; I have come to pass some months in Greece, and I have carried your book with me everywhere. "

That praise filled my heart with sweet joy; the stranger's voice seemed more beautiful than Mozart's music, and I directed a swift look of gratitude toward his gold glasses. You would hardly believe how much we love those who have taken the trouble to understand our jargon (行业术语).

I took him by the hand and seated him beside me on the garden-bench. He told me that he was a botanist and that he had a commission from the"Jardin des Plantes"in Hamburg. In order to complete his herbarium(植物标本馆),he was studying the country, the animals, and the people. He expressed himself uneasily, but with frankness which inspired confidence. He questioned me, if not about every one in Athens, at least about all the principal persons in my book. In the course of the conversation, he made some statements on general subjects, which seemed to me quite insightful. Therefore, they motivated me to think more deeply and get a more reasonable opinion. At the end of an hour we had become good friends.


Shenzhou XV astronauts moved into the Tiangong space station on Nov 30 as they started their six-month stay. The station orbits Earth in about 90 minutes at an altitude of 400 kilometers. The temperature changes greatly, ranging from 150 ℃ when the station is exposed to the sun to -100 ℃ when over the night side of the planet. 

On Earth, we have heating systems or air-conditioners at home to keep us warm. In Tiangong, what do they have? The answer lies in the designs of thermal (热量的) control system by the China Academy of Space Technology. 

The fluid loop(流体回路),with liquid circulating(循环)through its pipes, is one of the technologies used. 

"Just like the blood vessels (血管) in the human body, the loop pipes run all over the station modules (舱)," Huang Lei, one of the designers of the system, told Xinhua, "They maintain a temperature balance by removing heat from the parts that tend to overheat and adding heat to other components that tend to get cold," Huang added. 

For the material outside, scientists have developed a silver-colored metallic-based coating to keep a balance between the deep freeze of space and the sun's heat. It is similar to coating the spaceship with "sunscreen". 

The coating can not only absorb less solar energy but also block heat release from the inside. Being able to do this double-duty job, the coating keeps the environment inside between 18 and 26 ℃, allowing astronauts to stay comfortable in their orbiting home. It was first used on the Shenzhou XIII spaceship, which was launched on Oct 16, 2021. 

Cargo(货物)spacecraft adopt another kind of design -multilayer insulation (多层隔热组件). For example, the Tianzhou 4's cargo cabin was given a gray-colored material to absorb more sunlight for human activities. Another part that was filled with equipment was painted with a white material to cool off. 


Regularly eating fish as a child can halve the risk of developing asthma (哮喘),as you get older, according to a team of scientists. 

Queen Mary University of London researchers studied data from more than 4,500 children born in the 1990s in the UK that have been monitored by scientists since birth. Those who consumed the most omega-3 heavy fish were less likely to develop the life-threatening illness. 

In the UK young families that include children aged 5 to 11 consume the least amount of fish—with just 25 percent of homes having it at least twice a week. One -in -eleven youngsters—1. 1million children —are receiving treatment for asthma and most adult cases begin in childhood, according to the researchers. Senior author Professor Seif Shaheen said, "Asthma is the most common chronic (慢性的) condition in childhood and we currently don't know how to prevent it. It is possible a poor diet may increase the risk, but until now most studies have taken snapshots, measuring diet and asthma over a short period of time. Instead, we measured diet and then followed up children over many years to see who developed asthma and who didn't. "

The researchers found that those in the top quarter for fish consumption had a 51 percent lower risk of developing asthma than those who consume the least oily fish. Seafood is abundant in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Oily varieties have the most. Shaheen added,"Whilst we cannot say for certain that eating more fish will prevent asthma in children, based on your findings, it would nevertheless be sensible for children in the UK to consume more fish. "

The results were confirmed in an independent group of people born in Sweden. Shaheen's team now plan to see if eating fish can help deal with asthma in people who already have the condition.

任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)

Many people think that English writing is difficult.  Here are some great writing tips that will help you improve your writing in a short time. 

Don't ramble (长篇大论). This is a very common mistake made by people who have poor writing skills. When they ramble, they are not paying attention to grammar. As a result, their sentences become very long. If you know you have poor grammar, use short sentences.

Think about each sentence carefully to make sure that it is correct before moving on. It's better to write a short passage that is easy to read and mistake-free than to write a long article that is filled with grammar mistakes.

Increase your vocabulary. If you don't have a large vocabulary, you will find it difficult to write as you can't find right words to express yourself clearly. The solution to this problem is to increase your vocabulary. You can do this by reading the local newspapers daily, borrowing books from the library or watching English programs.

Don't write when you are tired. Tiredness can lead to nothing to write. If you find yourself looking at a blank piece of paper with nothing to write, don't just sit there! Take a walk or a warm shower, or simply lie down to get some rest. You'll find that you'll enjoy your writing a lot more and make fewer mistakes!

A. Find out the mistakes you've made.

B. Make sure your sentences are correct. 

C. You can pick up new words almost anywhere. 

D. Write what interests you most in the beginning. 

E. The longer the sentences are, the more mistakes they'll make.

F. As a result, they may give up after trying hard for a while. 

G. When your mind is relaxed, you should go back to your writing. 


While food bank lines have grown longer, millions of pounds of produce are still going to waste. When several Stanford University students heard about the huge amount of food1 every day, they were shocked and they knew they had to2

That's why they3 the Farm Link Project, a grassroots movement that not only4 supplies to charities, but also helps farmers earn money. 

 "The farmers want to donate their surplus food, but they can't5 to take on the associated6 , like packaging and transporting it," a student explained. 

That's where Farm Link comes in. Funded by donations, they7 food from farmers and pay truckers to deliver8 to food bank distributors. 

Their first projects in April alone transported 50,000 pounds of onions and 10,000 eggs and9 644,000 pounds of food across many states. The group quickly10 to include 20 students and graduates from five different colleges. "Our11 is to get produce where it is needed most," said another student. "No food bank should have to turn people away. "

With so many dedicated, caring individuals working12 to make that happen, we have no doubt they' ll13 their goal!

Talk about making a difference!14 Farm Link, families across the country won't have to worry about going15

语法填空(共10小题:每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

There are many tiny wonders that human eyes can't see. Thanks towe call photomicrographers (微观摄影师), the amazing small worlds have been shown to the public. 

Zhang Yefei, the 41-year-old software engineer from Jiangsu,(shoot) the eggs of hundreds of butterflies and moths (蛾 )in the past two years. His photo of jelly-like moth eggs won himtop 20 award at the 2022 Nikon Small World Competition in October, making him an(influence) photomicrographer. 

Looking for moth eggs is very difficult. Zhang(usual) takes a magnifying glass during his trips into the wild. He uses it to look for the(leaf) with eggs on them. The eggs are often less than a millimeter in width. (take) photos of them, Zhang uses a microscope as his lens. But a photo can capture only a small part of the egg. To fully present an egg, he first takes around 500 to 1,000 photos and then uses a computer technology to combine

the challenges, photomicrography also brings Zhang surprises. When he uses LED lights to light the photos, the temperature can speed up the incubation (孵化 ) of the eggs. So he was able to see how a larva (幼虫) turns into a butterfly. "I'll try and find out more interesting things about the small worldbring them to light,"Zhang said. 


Jackson's family hired a driver. The driver's family came to stay with them in a small house in their backyard. That's how Jackson met the driver's eight-year-old son Tom. From the day he met Jackson, Tom became his fan. For Tom, 11-year-old Jackson seemed to be a big boy. He would always follow Jackson around.

Tom didn't go to school. He was admitted to a local government school, but he refused to go. He told Jackson shyly that the teachers only made them copy words from the blackboard. Since he hadn't learned how to read, he could not understand anything that was written on the blackboard. Jackson felt sorry for him. On Sunday, Jackson saw Tom sitting under a tree holding an alphabet (字母表) book in his hands. Jackson walked quietly towards him and discovered that Tom was holding the book upside down.

Jackson took the book out of Tom's hands and turned the right side up. "This is how you should read," he told Tom. Two big tears rolled down Tom's cheeks. Tom told Jackson, "I want to be like you, but I can't do anything. " That evening, Jackson told his parents they had to help Tom get into a better school. It was not easy to make Tom admitted to a new school, because the time for admission was over.

Luckily, one principal (校长) looked at Tom kindly and admitted him to her school. The next day Tom went to his new school wearing a new shirt. But when Tom returned from school, he was a bit sad. The other children in his class had laughed at him. He told Jackson, "They all said I am much older than them but in a smaller class. I don't want to go to school. "

注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;

Paragraph 1: 

Jackson said, "Don't worry, Tom. I will teach you to read. "


Paragraph 2: 

Two months later, Tom returned from school with a bright smile. 

