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人教新目标(Go for it)版九上 Unit 2 综合素养提升练

日期: 2024-07-07

Francesca picked up her seven-year-old son from school one afternoon. Isaac proudly showed his mother what he had made at school that day. It was a 1 made of brightly colored paper. "It's for Father's Day," Isaac explained. The card was cut into the shape of a man's dress shirt with a drawing of a 2. Inside the card,Isaac had 3the words "Happy Father's Day!"

Francesca didn't know much about Father's Day because it wasn't something 4 in her home country. So she 5 her neighbor Genny about it.

Genny told her that Father's Day,like Mother's Day, is a(n) 6 in the United States. It is always celebrated on the second Sunday in 7.People give fathers cards, presents, go out to eat at a restaurant, or do something special that day. "It's a day to 8 thankfulness to your father," Genny explained.

Francesca understood, but she also felt a little 9. While the Father's Day card Isaac made was nice, Isaac's father 10 wore a dress shirt or a tie.

Isaac's father, Tim, wore a uniform to work. On his days off, he liked to dress casually and 11.

Francesca had an idea. She went shopping the day before Father s Day to get her 12 a surprise. On Father' s Day morning, she and Isaac gave Tim a box wrapped (包着) up in nice paper. "Happy Father's Day!" Francesca and Isaac 13.

When Tim unwrapped the box, he 14 Inside the box was the Father 's Day card Isaac made in school. Also inside the box were a dress shirt and a tie. They were the same 15as the card Isaac made. Tim, Francesca and Isaac went next door to Genny's house for a barbecue. Tim wore the dress shirt and the tie.


In Britain, Boxing Day is usually celebrated on December 26th, which is the following day after Christmas Day. However,strictlyspeaking, Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas. Like Christmas Day, Boxing Day is a public holiday. This means it's a non-working day in the whole of Britain. When Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday is the public holiday.

The exact origin of the holiday is unclear. One of the thoughts is that during the Middle. Ages, when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land, a Christmas Box was placed by a priest (神父) on each ship. Those sailors who wanted to ensure a safe return would drop money into the box. It wassealed upand kept on board until the ship came home safely. Then the box was handed over to the priest in exchange for the saying of a mass of thanks for the success of the sailing. The priest wouldn't open it to share the contents with the poor until Christmas.

One more thought is about the" Alms Box" placed in every church on Christmas Day. Worshippers( 做礼拜的人) put gifts for the poor into it. These boxes were always opened the day after Christmas, and that is why that day became known as Boxing Day.

Today, many businesses, organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive bydonatingtheir time, services and money to aid Food Banks, providing gifts for the poor, or helping families in need. Besides, spending time with family and shopping are popular Boxing Day activities now.


    The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in most East Asian countries.

    It is the second most important festival in China after Chinese New Year. To the Chinese, the festival means family reunion(团圆)and peace.

    Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with many traditional and meaningful activities, such as eating dinner with family and admiring the moon.

    Chinese people regard the round shape of mooncakes as a symbol of reunion and happiness. Other foods eaten during the festival are harvest foods, such as crabs(蟹), pumpkins(南瓜), and grapes. People enjoy them at their freshest and most nutritious(有营养的)period of time.

    Chinese emperors admired the sun and the moon every year to pray for a good harvest.

    In Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, celebrations are more than those in China, such as lighting lanterns and dragon dances. In Japan and Vietnam, there are also some new celebrations because Chinese culture has influenced them deeply.

A. In many other countries,the festival is widely celebrated.

B. Mooncakes are a kind of traditional Chinese sweet.

C. Mooncakes are people's favorite food.

D. People believed admiring the moon and eating at a round table would bring them good luck and happiness.

E. And the custom of admiring the moon started in the Shang Dynasty.

F. People like getting together to admire the moon.

G. The festival takes place on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month.
