组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

吉林·近3年中考英语真题分类汇编:任务型阅读(1) 阅读还原

日期: 2024-07-03
根据短文内容, 将下面方框内的选项还原到文中空白处, 使短文内容完整、通顺, 每个选项只能用一次, 其中有一个选项是多余的。

I'm Wang Jun.Every morning, I run by the seaside near my home.  He walks on the beach and looks for something.This morning, I stopped running and walked to him. 

"Hello! I see you here every morning.  " I asked. 

"I'm taking away the stones on the turtles (海龟).There are always some baby turtles under the stones.The stones can stop them from going to the sea, so I come to help these turtles every morning, " he replied. 

"It's really kind of you.  After all, you can't help all baby turtles under the stones, " I said. 

 He smiled and said, "When I see them get out of trouble, I feel so happy.It's my own way of making a difference." Then he took away a stone beside him.  He looked at the turtle and went on,  "At least it's meaningful to this turtle." 

 It's true that we can't change the whole world at once.But we can help one person, one animal, or one thing at a time.If everyone can do something good, it will make a big difference. 


A.What are you doing?

B.He is swimming there.

C.I always see a young man there.

D.I thought about his words in silence.

E.A baby turtle went towards the sea quickly.

F.But do you think you can make a difference?


Choosing a job — something you're thinking of doing for the rest of your working life — isn't always easy but necessary. Plans for your future job will have a great influence on your whole life.

Know yourself well.

It's true that things like pay are important, but don't let money lead you in the wrong direction. Firstly, follow your heart and your personality — if you're not very outgoing, don't go for a sales job, even if the pay's good. If you do well in getting along with children, to be a teacher may be a fantastic choice.

Generally speaking, people get more satisfaction out of their jobs if they feel they are doing something valuable for others. It doesn't have to be charity work — it could be a job that helps other people, like being a cleaner. Just imagine what our city would be like without cleaners?

Your first decision isn't forever.

Some lucky people get it right first time — they choose a job, find they love it and stick at it. So remember — you're allowed to change your mind! There's no need to let it worry you for years: maybe you've got three or four possible things you'd like to do, so come to a decision and try one — and if you don't like it, try another one.

 The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. Remember to be responsible for yourself when you are young.


A. Do something of value. 

B. But it isn't always like that.

C. Here are some suggestions for you. 

D. Secondly, think about what you are good at. 

E. Making a clear plan for your future job is meaningful. 
