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日期: 2024-09-16

Estee Lauder (July 1, 1906-April 24, 2004) was an American businesswoman. Along with her husband, Joseph Lauder, she set up Estee Lauder Companies (公司), the world-famous company. 

Lauder was the only woman on TIME magazine's 1998 list of the 20 greatest business(生意) people of the 20th century. She was even listed in the U. S. Business Hall of Fame in 1988.

Her childhood dream was to become an actress. She met Joseph Lauter when she was in her early 20s. On January 15, 1930, they married. The last name was later changed from Lauter to Lauder. The Estee Lauder Company was created in 

1935. Then one day, when Estee Lauder was doing her hair, she was asked about her perfect skin(皮肤). Soon, Lauder came back and handed out four of her uncle's creams and showed how to use them to others. Over the next fifteen years, they made their business bigger and continued to sell their products(产品) in the United States.

As of 2010, Estee Lauder sells its products in large shopping malls across the world. It has a total of 27 kinds of products, among which Estee Lauder and Clinique are the best known. 

She once said, "Beauty is about the way you think. There's no secret. Why are all brides (新娘) beautiful? Because on the day they get married, they care about how they look. There are no ugly women—only women who don't care or who don't believe they're amazing. "

Aged 97, Lauder died at her home in Manhattan. 


Have you ever heard of the Silk Road? Do you know what an important role it plays in the whole world? Did you visit any famous places along the road? Although it's called the Silk Road, people bought and sold much more than silk. The Silk Road went through Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. It was 6,500 km from Xi'an to Rome.

My dad is very interested in the Silk Road and he has told me many things about it. Last summer, my family got away for a holiday and went to some places on the road. 

We started at Lanzhou and went on to Wuwei. Wuwei was a very important city on the Silk Road. It connected (连接) three main cities in the area. In ancient times, it was also a capital. Although it's now a modern city, you can get a feeling of history when you visit it. We saw lots of very old stone monuments and people there were very proud of their city's long history.

The next stop was Jiayuguan. It's on the edge (边缘) of the desert, and was also an important place on the Silk Road. It was a busy city with a lot of people coming and going. Even today, it's a city that many business people travel through. An important part of the Great Wall was also built here.

After that, we went on to Yumenguan. I first found out about Yumenguan in the famous poem written by Wang Zhihuan. It was in the Gobi Desert and was the only connection between Central Asia and China. I wonder how people ever made it through the hot desert so long ago. 

This trip wasn't just a scenic (观光的) journey. It helped me understand the history of the area and see how people from different places influenced (影响) each other in many ways.


A Japanese company has found a way to turn unwanted rice into plastic (塑料的) things. 

One company is working with farmers in the town of Namie. Nearby is the Fukushima nuclear (原子核)center, closed since a nuclear accident there in March 2011. 

Jinichi Abe is a local rice farmer. He says people do not want to buy his rice because they worry it is radioactive (有辐射的). Now, he has a new way to sell his rice. Biomass Resin, a company from Tokyo, opened a factory in Namie in November. It turns the rice there into all kinds of things, like plastic tools and shopping bags. "Without growing rice, this town can't get back or its feet," the 85-year-old Abe said. Since the accident, he has tried selling rice as animal feed. "Even now, we can't sell it as Fukushima rice," Abe said. "So having Biomass come was a huge help. "

The government ordered people in the area to leave when the nuclear accident happened and then allowed some people to return to their lives in Namie after a big cleanup in 2017. Now about 80 percent of the town's land still has no plants and only about 2,000 people live there. There were 1,9000 more people in Namie before the accident. Since 2017, eight companies have come back and they created about 200 jobs. But things are still difficult for people in the area.

Takemitsu Imazu is the head of Biomass Resin. He says, "By building our factory here, we want to bring jobs and invite people back. " Imazu also introduces the plastic things made from rice are not biodegradable (可降解的), meaning they cannot be broken down into other things through natural processes (过程). However, mixing rice and plastic cuts down on the carbon (碳)needed during the making process, he added.

In addition, nuclear experts say rice naturally takes in few radioactive things. 


An old man pointed at the land filled with weeds (杂草) and asked his students, "Look, what's growing on the land?"

"1 ," the students answered without thinking twice.

"Tell me, how should you 2 these?"

His students were 3 : this question was too simple. 

A student first said, "4 I have a hoe (锄头), the weeds will be killed off. "

The second student followed, "It would be 5 to burn them with fire. " The third student argued, "Only 6 deep can it never be born again. "

After his students finished, the old man stood up and said, "Well, when you go back, you act on your own way and come back here again in one year. "

A year later, his students came, but they were so 7 . Because whatever they did, the weeds were still there, even more somewhere. The students wanted to go to the old man for 8  very much. 

9 , the old man had died, only leaving one book to his students. One paragraph in the book wrote, "10 way is impossible to kill all the weeds because they are too strong. The best way is to plant crops (庄稼) on the land. Have you ever thought the mind of people is also 11 the land?"

This world is colorful and then our hearts would 12 many wishes for different things in the world. Some of the wishes are "weeds". Without water and food, they will also grow 13 . So if we don't keep our eyes open, we will make our 14 poor. These "weeds" are called "Evil (邪恶)". Some of the wishes are "crops". They need planting and taking care of.

The more "crops" there are, the less space the "weeds" 15 ; the stronger the "crops" are, the weaker the "weeds" will be. These "crops" are called "Virtue (美德)"
