组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19
阅读,阅读下列文本,选出最佳选项。A、B篇为选择题,C篇为六选五补全短文。(本题15小题,共20分。A、B篇每小题1. 5分;C篇每小题1分) 

 Six months, five continents (大洲), forty-one countries, fifty-two thousand kilometers. At 19, Zara Rutherford has broken two Guinness World Records. She became the youngest female (女性) to fly alone around the world and the first woman to do so in a microlight aircraft (超轻型飞机).  

The Belgian-British teenager landed in Belgium on Jan 20. "It's just really crazy," she told the news reporter.

 With two pilot parents, Rutherford started learning to fly at 14 and got her first license in 2020. To realize her dream of flying around the world alone, she sold her car to pay for the trip. She also found some sponsors (赞助者). One of them is Shark Aero. The company provided her with a two-seat microlight.  

 In August 2021, when everything was ready, Rutherford set off. She planned to finish her trip in three months. Instead, it took nearly half a year because of bad weather and expired (过期的) travel documents (证件).  

The most difficult part of the trip was flying over Russia's Siberia (西伯利亚) region. "It was -35℃ on the ground and -20℃ in the air. . . If the engines were to stop, I'd be hours away from rescue (救援) and I don't know how long I could have lived," Rutherford said. She also faced storms, wildfires, typhoons and broken parts of her aircraft.

Rutherford hopes her flight will encourage more girls to choose careers (职业) in aviation (航空业). "If you don't try and see how high you can fly, then you'll never know," Rutherford told the news reporter.


Having good communication skills is important. However, maybe some of you have trouble communicating with others. With the help of the tips, you'll be able to be a fantastic communicator.


 Be confident in knowing that you can make contributions to a conversation. Take time each day to be aware of your opinions and feelings so you can completely express them to others. Be brave to share your ideas.  


  Simple dialogues happen every day. New skills take time to develop, but each time you use your communication skills, you open yourself to more opportunities. Practice makes perfect.  

 Use gestures.  

 These include gestures with your hands and face. Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for a person and small groups.  

 Develop good listening skills.  

Not only should one be able to speak well, one must listen to the other person's words carefully. It's a polite way to communicate with others.

 A. Have courage to say what you think.  

 B. The gestures should get larger as the groups become larger.  

 C. Wait for the other person to finish speaking before you talk.  

 D. When you have good communication skills, you can be successful.  

 E. Developing good communication skills begins with simple dialogues.  

 F. Fortunately, there are some tips to improve your communication skills.  

词汇运用,A. 用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。(每小题2分,共10分) 
词汇运用,B. 用所给词的适当形式或汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分) 

Sun Ruifeng, a mother in Beijing, changed some of her plans for her 8-year-old son's summer vacation. She looked for an English training course, but in the end, she changed it to a swimming training class.

"Due to the stricter regulations (on subject-training classes, many parents like me choose sports or other projects for developing interests instead, " Sun said.

Sun's choice is part of the result of the government's growing efforts to lighten the academic pressure on young students.

 On July 24, Chinese government introduced a guideline(意见) to ease the burden(负担) of excessive homework and off-campus training for primary and junior high school students. It lists requirements in areas such as reducing the amount and the difficulty of homework and improving the quality of education and after-class services provided by schools.  

 For example homework for children below the third grade is not allowed while homework for junior high school students should take no longer than 90 minutes to finish.  

 According to the guideline, training institutions(机构) cannot teach students content that is too advanced for the school curriculum. No training courses can be taught on weekends, national holidays or during winter and summer vacations.  

 According to Global Times, more than 75 percent of Chinese urban children, from Grade 1 to Grade 12, are enrolled in training programs. However, some training institutions take part in anxiety marketing, selling unnecessary programs that increase the burden on students.  

Many parents showed their support for the new moves. "Subject learning is enough at school and we hope to improve the children's overall quality of life during holidays, " a parent surnamed(姓) Zhou in Guangzhou told Xinhua.

 However, there are also some concerns. A parent surnamed Chen in Shanxi said that although she agreed on new moves, she worried about what her son would do after school if both parents have no time to be with him.  

 At present, nine cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and Guangzhou, have been selected to carry out the guideline. It will later be rolled out nationwide.  


 In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted (破坏) the age-old habit of shaking hands. ①It is most widely used as a greeting, but when did shaking hands become the standard greeting? 

The handshake dates all the way back to the 9th century BC (公元前). King Shalmanesar III ruled over Assyria, an empire (帝国) of the ancient Middle East. Archaeologists (考古学家) found a throne base from that time. It shows two people holding hands. In the 5th century BC, this was a symbol of peace, showing that neither person carried a weapon (武器). The handshake also makes an appearance in Homer's (荷马的) ancient poem, the Iliad. In it, two characters shook each other's hands.

 However, these handshakes were not used as greetings. The earliest reference (谈及,提到) to a handshake greeting is in the 16th century novels by French writer Francois Rabelais, says Dutch sociologist Herman Roodenburg.  

 Even so, the most widely-accepted idea about the handshake is that it came from a group called the Quakers, who were committed (致力于) to equality and peace. As the movement spread, so did the handshake, eventually becoming a standard among the working class in the mid-1700s.  

However, this was not the case everywhere, according to Roodenburg. Some French people described it as a vulgar (平民) English greeting, so many kept "labise", the traditional peck (轻吻) on two cheeks. Because of the COVID-19, in many countries, people have started touching elbows to greet each other instead of shaking hands, as this is believed to be safer.
