Do you ever find yourself saving the good things in life for some distant moment in the future? Maybe you have a collection of fancy plates that only see the light of day on special occasions, or perhaps you're waiting for the perfect time to wear that beautiful dress put away in your closet.
In a recent conversation with leading psychologist Dr. Alison McClymont, we explored the idea of giving ourselves permission to enjoy the good things now, rather than waiting for an uncertain future. So saving pleasure for the future may be pointless.
But why do we feel the need to save things for best? It's typically British to save our crockery or clothes for "special" occasions. This mindset may have originated from times when resources were not enough and has been passed down through generations. However, when we feel abundant, we are more willing to use and appreciate our favorite things regularly.
Welcoming the joy of everyday life can be seen as an act of self-love. We are supposed to surround ourselves with things that bring us happiness, even in ordinary moments. It's also about finding ways to renew our worth, fighting the negative thoughts that we don't deserve to enjoy the good things in life.
Take out those fancy plates for a simple weeknight dinner. Wear that beautiful dress to run errands or pick up your kids from school. Celebrate the small moments and make them extraordinary. Because in the end, life is too short to deny ourselves joy. Let's break free from the mindset of waiting for the perfect moment. Embrace the joy of everyday life and make every day a celebration.
A. So, why not start now?
B. Well, it's time to reconsider.
C. By doing so, we can boost our overall well-being.
D. After all, there will be more happiness in store for us.
E. Actually, cultural and generational factors play a crucial role.
F. The reason may be that our well-being is closely related to abundance.
G. If we deny ourselves small moments of joy, we may never get them again.