
Our star Kayla was practising for the school's musical show. But the dog Sandy, an important supporting role, didn't work very well with her. Every time when Kayla sang her beautiful notes, the dog would cut in with a woooof together. "This isn't working! I can't sing this song until we find a decent (合适的) dog!" Kayla stormed off the stage (舞台).
This dog was already our third one, but now everyone knew it would not be the last.
"Ashley, can you get another dog by Monday?" asked Mr. Loomis, our director and drama teacher. He was almost driven crazy.
"OK. I'll try." I answered. I had been one of the actors on the show, but now I did something backstage. I loved acting but it seemed my large birthmark (胎记) on face made some people uncomfortable. So I chose to leave the show and stay backstage.
Now I took over the job of searching. But unluckily, my weekend search only made one possibility. It was the dog called Farley from the local shelter (收容所). It was smart and good at comforting people, but the main thing about it was that it missed a leg.
I didn't think Kayla would be satisfied with this dog. However, Mr. Loomis gave me an unexpected answer. "The new dog is wonderful! We practiced with Kayla, and she loves it. It does nothing bad on the stage."
"Aren't you worried that people will dislike it having only three legs? Don't you think everything should be perfect for the show?" I worried.
"Oh, my goodness," Mr. Loomis laughed, "Theater is art, and if everyone in it were perfect, it would be the most boring place in the world. The world needs all kinds of actors."
Hearing this, I still felt doubtful. Would people think good of my acting without caring much about my birthmark? Should I keep my dream of acting?
Several days later, it turned out Farley was a huge hit. Many people made comments about how sweet it was for us to give this dog a chance. But it was not just a chance for Farley, we knew it was actually the best dog actor.
On the day we celebrated the success of the show, Mr. Loomis handed me a paper sheet. It was about our next musical show.
"Thanks!" I smiled.
"So you're returning to the world of acting?" Mr. Loomis asked.
Why not? This time I was sure, the theater could be for everyone.