组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-01

    A long time ago,some farmers lived in a small village.And there was a farmer1 had four sons.

    The farmer raised the four boys on his own.He hoped that his sons could learn not2 opinions about things too quickly.So he gave his four sons 3 question in turn asking them to go to see a pear tree at a distance in different seasons.The sons promised they would not let their father 4.

    The first son5 out in the winter,the second in the spring,the third in the summer,and the youngest in the autumn.

    One year passed.When all of them returned home,the farmer called them together to describe6they had seen.

    The first son said the tree was7bent and distorted.It wasn't worth seeing at all.And it seemed that it wouldn't bear any fruit,8.

    The second son said it was not like that. But the tree was covered9 green buds and made people feel full of hope.

    The third son disagreed,saying that it was full of flowers which smelled so sweet and 10 so beautiful.And he had never seen such beautiful scene that everyone would love it.

    The last son disagreed with all of them,saying that it 11 with fruit,full of life and content.People would be satisfied with it.

    At last,the four sons'eyes were fixed12 their father.The father smiled.Then he told his four  sons that13 they were all correct,they only saw the tree in one season.He told his sons that14 could not judge a tree or a person only by one season,and that the essence of a person could only be measured when all the seasons 15 over.

    If you just give up in winter,you will miss the hope of spring,the beauty of

summer and the harvest of autumn in your life.


    Elephants are big,but Teensy was the smallest of them.Teensy tried everything she could think of to help herself grow.She put her legs out straight.She ate a lot.However,nothing seemed to 1.

    One day Teensy went with the elephants to have lunch.They stopped in front of some trees and found their favourite green leaves.Teensy raised her nose and tried again and again.but  she couldn't 2the branches.Not even the low ones!

    At the end of the day,Teensy was with the rest of the elephants watching the 3.But Teensy couldn't see very much."Excuse me,"said Teensy politely,"I'd like to see more than your knees,if you please."But the elephants didn't hear little Teensy.They were too 4 enjoying the sunset.Teensy sat down and waited 5for them to finish admiring the sunset.She knew she was too little to walk away by herself,so she sat and6 what the sunset must look like."Oh,I guess it is too pretty for words!"she sighed.Teensy was very sad."Oh,woe is me."she said.Suddenly,Teensy heard a tiny voice."What is woe?"the voice said.Teensy looked down and saw a mouse."Woe means 7"said Teensy.She told the mouse about seeing only elephant 8 instead of the sunset.

    "I'm too little,"she said.

    "Why?You're not little at all,"said the mouse.

    "Do you think so?"replied Teensy,"I'm sorry you're so small.I know how it feels.""Don't be sorry,"said the mouse."I like being small!I can always fit into corners.

    "Wow,"said Teensy,"so being9CAN be good."

    "You're right.Little or big,you should always be10 of who you are."said the mouse.


    Manu,an eight﹣year﹣old boy,was sleeping comfortably in his bedroom.After a weekend break from his school,Manu failed to get up on time on Monday morning again.

    "Manu,wake up.It's time for you to go to school,"shouted out Manu's mother,

    Akhila,from the kitchen.Manu pulled the blanket over him and pretended he didn't hear his mother's repeated shouting."Manu! Please wake up!It's already 6:30and your school bus will be here in ten minutes.Wake up and get ready."

    After much yelling,Manu finally got up lazily when the school bus stopped in front of the house.Akhila had to ask the driver to wait for a few minutes.She quickly helped Manu get ready and helped him get on his school bus.

    "Phew!Manu didn't miss his bus today.Akhila sighed and thought to herself."What should I do with this boy?Manu neither wakes up on time nor completes any of his daily tasks at the right time.It's time to teach him a lesson."

    The next morning,Akhila was in the kitchen as usual.Everything seemed normal in the house except for the  unexpected silence.

    Manu finally woke up at around 9o'clock.He looked at the clock and ran to the kitchen,crying out,"Mamma!Why didn't you wake me up?I am really late for school."He couldn't stop crying."I have a maths test today and Madam Mangat will punish me if I miss her class and the test!"Madam Mangat was the strictest teacher in Manu's school.The fear of missing her class made Manu cry even louder."Mamma,what should I do now?Please help.I promise I will wake up every day on time."

    Akhila could no longer see her son crying and said,"Just promise me one more thing that you will do your daily task on time withoutpesteringyou to do it.

    "Sure Mamma!I promise!

    Akhila said in a loving voice."I have already got permission from your math teacher and she has allowed Myou to take up the test today."

    Manu hugged his mother."Mamma!Thank you."He quickly got himself ready for school without any help from Akhila.

    On the way to the school,there was silence in the car but a smile on Akhila's face.


    We choose food to eat every day.We might know some of the reasons for the choices,but food scientist Dr.

    Brian Wansink has found that we are unaware of 90% of our food decision.Here are some"big ideas"in his research on the hidden power that drives our eating.

    Food for thought

    In one of the studies,Dr.Wansink made volunteers eat chocolate yogurt in a dark room.He told them the yogurt was with a taste of strawberry even though they were all eating chocolate.Finally,65% of volunteers described the yogurt as having a"nice strawberry flavor!"

    The research shows that our imagination has an effect on our taste.If you expect a food to taste good,it will.So take a moment before you eat your unpleasant healthy food to remind yourself that you are eating delicious fish and chips.

    Our eyes eat first

    How your food looks is just as important as how it tastes.Dr.Wansink gave cakes to three groups of people.The cakes were exactly the same but served in different ways.

①Group one got the cake on a nice plate.

    ②Group two got the cake on a paper plate.

    ③Group three got the cake on a piece of paper.

    Dr.Wansink then asked the people how much they would pay for each cake.

    Dr.Wansink then asked the people how much they would pay for each cake.

    ①Group one who got the cake on a nice plate would pay $1.27.

    ②Group two who got the cake on a paper plate would pay 76 cents.

    ③Group three who got the cake on a piece of paper would pay 53 cents.

    Take some time to make your healthy food look amazing.Cut your fruit into a flower shape and put your colourful vegetables on nice plates.This works really well for your appetite (胃口).

    Out of sight,out of stomach

    Dr.Wansink also found that when people sat at the desk full of snacks,they ate 71% more of snacks a day than those sitting near a clear table.We eat what we see.As a result,put all the unhealthy food in your fridge.

    Hide it and make it really hard to get to.The closer bad food is,the more you eat it.


    A robot is taking part in a popular TV show in China which tests people's brainpower.The smart AI ( 人工智能) robot,Xiaodu,will challenge humans to recognize faces and voices.

    The TV show Super Brain will spend the whole Season Four on the topic of supercomputers vs.human brains.The AI robot Xiadu built by search engine giant Baidu becomes one of the contestants.Baidu Company first showed off a small version of Xiaodu in 2015.In Super Brain IV,he will complete against four people and other clever computer programs.

    Besides,Xiaodu,Sun Yiting,an eight﹣year﹣old boy with amazing hearing ability also stands on the stage of  the show.He says he can correctly tell the height from which a balloon was dropped by listening to the sound of the balloon landing.Another contestant,Wang Feng,is a memory master who broke the world record for speed memorization of cards in a poker game.

    In the first competition of Super Brain IV,both the humans and Xiaodu will be shown photos of two women when they were four﹣year﹣old babies.Theymust then pick out the right two adults from a lineup of 20 women  who are dressed similarly and have similar haircuts.

    The listening competition is even more difficult.The contestants need to choose the right person from 21 singers as they are all singing together,just according to a three﹣second mp3.

    Baidu is confident that Xiaodu has the ability to do well in this difficult TV test,because the company has paid a huge amount of money for the study of AI robot and supercomputers,as well as speech,image,and facial recognition.In addition,it is not the first time that Chinese AI robot has become a contestant and final winner of a quiz show.Months ago,Wangzai,Sogo's AI robot,beat a Harvard graduate in a Chinese quiz show Yi Zhan Dao Di.All of these make it possible that AI vs.AI will be shown on TV in the future.


    Welcome to Readers'Home.The topic of our monthly big sale is"Literatures for Young Readers".Check the books below and take your favourite ones home.


    Author:Gordon Korman

    Recommended for:Aged 9﹣14

    Story:Schooled,an interesting novel written by the popular middle grade author Gordon Korman,provides both humour and some important messages about teenage problems and being true to oneself.Find out how one  peace﹣loving boy,attending school for the first time,changes the whole culture of his middle school.First Publication Date:2007


    Name:The Lion and the Mouse

    Author:Jerry Pinkney

    Recommended for:Preschool children

    Story:This story is told completely with artwork and pictures.It tells how both animals,the lion and the mouse,are large at heart.The author of the book is chosen to be one of people's favorite children's story tellers on the Internet.

    First Publication Date:2009


    Name:When You Were Here

    Author:Daisy Whit

    Recommended for:Young adult

    Story:Danny's mother died of cancer.Danny was left alone.One day he got a letter from the hospital which showed a side of his mother he never knew.So Danny travelled to Tokyo to connect with his mother's memory.Full of humour.The story is about death and love.Daisy Whitney brings her characters to life with a touch of heart.

    First Publication Date:2013


    Name:The Great Gatsby

    Author:F.Scott Fitzgerald

    Recommended for:High school students

    Story:F.Scott Fitzgerald's third book,stands as the greatest achievement of his career.This story of the Jazz Age has been popular among the readers.The story of the rich Jay Gatsby and his love for the beautiful Daisy Buchanan is a remarkable tale of America in the 1920s.The Great Gatsby is one of the greatest classics of twentieth﹣century literature.

    First Publication Date:1925



An adventure of a mouse

    It was time to leave the cave.I'd been with my mum and brothers and sisters for the first five weeks of my life So I packed up a bag.I nside were things that I thought I'd need to have along the way.

    This included a toothbrush,a change of clothes,and,of course,my lucky bottle cap.

    My Uncle Louie had found the bottle cap on his travels long ago.He was running from a fierce cat.That's when Uncle Louie discovered it was"lucky".He used it to slide down a hill.At the bottom of the hill,rushing water began to carry him away. Luckily,he was able to guide the boat through the waters.I listened to Uncle Louie tell the story many,many times.One day,to my surprise,he gave me the lucky charm (幸运符).

    With that,I said my good﹣byes.Then I left the cave that I had known for so long.Outside the sun was shining.Birds were singing high in the trees. All of a sudden my ears caught the sound of something unusual.The sky darkened like night.The wind blew strongly.I quickly searched for cover.There was none.The next thing I knew,white stones began hitting the ground.Then it hit me.My bottle cap!I placed it over my head just as one of the ice balls crashed onto the cap.Stunned,but not hurt,I sat still for some time.Then I smiled.The lucky charm had saved the day and my life!

A.I have carried it with me ever since.

B.I wanted to explore the outside world.

C.Thinking quickly,he used the bottle cap as a boat.

D.I reached into my pack and pulled out my lucky charm.

E.With each step I took,the excitement of being on my own grew bigger and bigger.
