组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

2018年初中英语新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册期末模拟试题(7)

日期: 2024-09-19


     Martin Glenn is fifteen years old and he likes sports very much.There's nothing unusual about that,but Martin's family is a bit different.They all like sports and they run a family sports business(生意).

Martin's mom and dad set up the business ten years ago,when Martin was five.His dad Worked in a bank before that,but he hated it.He wanted a job that had to do with his love for sports.At first,they had a small shop and only sold sports clothes.But the business soon grew.Now they have a big shop and it sells different kinds of sports equipment (器材).

    Martin can't really remember life before the business.“I have an early memory of helping my mom and dad in the shop.”he said.Now, Martin is very interested in the shop and the things they sell.“I am responsible(负责)for choosing what to sell each year.I love seeing all the new designs(设计).And of course each year I get my new football shoes at a really good price!”

    Martin's sister Amy helps with the business,too.She serves customers(顾客) in the shop on the weekend.She says,“It isn't easy, especially when customers  aren 't happy about something !”But she enjoys being part of the family team.

    Martin's mom organizes online orders.She started selling online about five years ago and it's now an important part of the business.Both Martin and Amy want to work in the family business in the future.“It is hard work.But I know that if Martin and I work together, we'll make the business even better!”said Amy.




    On June 30, my class went to a beautiful nature park about an hour away from our school.I talked to some of mv classmates on the bus.When we got there, we went to the Nature Center and learned about me different animals in our area.Our teacher brought some cameras so we took lots of photos.When we came back to school our teacher put the photos on the classroom wall.We also made a class book about the trip.I was really happy with my photos,and now I hope to be a photographer(摄影师)one day.


    A few weeks ago,my English class went to Althorpe House.The gardens(花园)were very big with a lot of flowers and the house was old and beautiful.We saw a lot of paintings and a nice woman called Cindy told us the history of the house.It had a beautiful library with quite a lot of books.At lunchtime we had a picnic(野餐)outside.Luckily it was a sunny day. This was my first school trip, and I was worried about  my English and understanding Cindy but she spoke slowly and I understood a lot.I would like to go back mere and show this place to my family.Maybe I'll take them next summer.


    This term l went to the aquarium (水族馆) in our city.There I saw many kinds of amazing and colorful fish.I was very excited when my teacher told us that we were going to visit this place.You know, I love fish and I have a lot of fish at home.I'm always borrowing books about fish from the library.At the aquarium.I saw a lot of fish and other creatures(生物) that I had never seen before.We had to answer some questions at the aquarium,and then write about the trip before the next class.
