组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
左栏是五个标题, 右栏是七条信息。请找到与标题相符的信息, 并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上, 有两个选项是多余的。

Jane's red ruler

John's phone number

Sally's family photo

Wendy's schoolbag

Jack's pencil box

A. A black pen, two yellow pencils and a white eraser are in her schoolbag.

B. 020—8967890 is his telephone number. You can call him if you like.

C. These are her parents. The boy is her brother. And the little girl is Sally. And the dog is in the photo, too.

D. A pencil sharpener, two pens and three pencils are in his pencil case.

E. He has a blue ruler. He likes it very much. But he lost it yesterday(昨天), so he's very sad.

F. Some books. Three notebooks and one pencil are in his backpack.

G. A ruler. Is it yours? It's red. Call me at 8834672.
