组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Mr. Smith has a full time job in the post office of his city. He is a  (邮递员) and he often works outside for twelve hours a day in the summer  (高温) or in the winter cold. Mrs. Smith works at an education center. They (很少)have spare time at the same time.

    Last week, they both had one day off. So they had a fun night out and didn't get home  (直到) very late. To their shock, they found their front window broken. They ran inside and turned on all the lights. Everything was  (扔) on the floor. The television had disappeared (消失), the computer was gone and their wallet wasn't there. Mrs. Smith felt so  (不舒服的) that she was unable to speak. But very soon, she started crying, "The thief has taken away all our  (财富). What should we do? "The police were called in. "It will probably be  (不可能的) to find the thief," they said. 

    After the policemen left, Mrs. Smith started cleaning the house. She  (看见) a candle lying by the window. Near the candle was (钱包)! She opened it and found their money there. The thief had dropped it when he jumped through the window.
