组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: You always goes to the library on the weekend.

B. Yes. And I get great fun.

A: Now, I know why you are so good at writing.

B: And I want to be a writer.

A: How are you going to become a writer?

B: Well, I will read more books and keep on writing.

A: Who is your favorite writer?

B: J.K. Rowing. She is well-known for Harry Potter.

A: I've read it. But Harry Potter was refused 12 times before it came out.

B: That's tree.

A. Just make sure you are trying your best.

B: Yes, you are right.


B: Great!

A. You can be anything you want.

B. I don't care whether I will be successful.

C. I began reading at the age of five.

D. I always read books there.

E. Reading is of great help.
