组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Joey O'Leary, a ten-year-old boy, lived in a small town, in the USA. He had a pair of green pants that he 1 most, but the pants were already short for him. One day, his father thought of a(n) 2. He said to Joey, "Let's put your green pants into a big bottle(瓶子), and then float it 3 the river. We can put a note with your name and 4. So whoever finds the pants will know that they are your favourite pants." Joey thought that it was a5 idea, so they just did that.

      The bottle floated for weeks. Finally, it got to the Gulf of Mexico. It was caught by a 6 Mexican boy Pablo and his father. They were so poor that they sometimes had nothing to eat. When they caught the bottle and saw the pants and note in it, Pablo was so 7. The pants were just what he had wanted. He later tried them on and was surprised to find that they were 8 for him.

      When Pablo got home, he wrote a 9 to Joey. After that, Pablo and Joey wrote letters to each other every week. They became lifelong 10. It was all because of a pair of green pants.
