组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Every day after school, Jack locked himself in his bedroom. He was working on a(n)1project. He didn't tell anyone what he was doing, not even his best friend Larry.

    Jack finally 2. He made a robot. It looked like Jack. The robot had orange hair and wore glasses. The robot and Jack both talked in a special voice. "Life is going to be 3 now!" shouted Jack. "I will send my robot to school while I will 4 at home and play."

    The next morning the robot ate breakfast. Then, he took the bus to school. After school, the bus sent the robot back home. The robot knocked on the door.

    "Sweetie, I'm so glad you come back. I really5you!" said Mum. Then she took the robot into the kitchen and gave him a snack before6.

    "I had lots of 7 at school today," said the robot. "I went to a space museum. I got to 8a real spacesuit. It was too big for me. "

    Jack was 9 outside the kitchen. He was10. He wanted to be an astronaut. He thought this wasn't a good idea. So the next day, Jack went to school himself.
