组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    In my life, nothing is 1 than the book The Creation of the World. It is a gift 2my uncle.

    It is a comic book(边环画).3 it is not just a normal comic book. It is very thick and heavy. This book tells about the 4 of life. Life's evolution(进化) is very long and difficult. And the life is rich and varied(多变的). This book also teaches us to be kind to 5 living things. Our life is very beautiful and inspiring. It's not easy for all living things to live on Earth. You have to 6 that, every life is noble(高尚的).

    A famous quote reads. "Books are the stepping stones to human progress." So I like this book and I enjoy 7 it. It makes me 8a lot of things. This book is also very 9 to me, because it is 10of my uncle's love.

    I will cherish this special book and my uncle's love forever.
