组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I designed(设计) some of my own Smile cards personally. One of them is for "hiding" 1 in unexpected places. I hoped that this would be found by someone who really 2 it.

    So, I went to a local supermarket near here and placed a $20 bill with the 3 behind a product(产品). I then went to another side to see who would find it. I wanted to see 4he or she would react(反应) !

    After a while a lady5 the money with the card. Then she looked around to see if she could know who left it. I was 6to find she put it back! I guessed she really didn't need it.

    After about another seven 7a lady with a young boy found the money. They started looking around the 8! I guessed they were looking for hidden 9! Again the money was put back.

    I never saw who finally needed the money 10 I did get to see just how amazing some people were! Also, I'm glad that those who didn't think they needed the money left it for someone who did! Very warm!
