组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Hello, this is Mary.

B: Hello, this is Lyn.

A: This Saturday is (I)birthday!

B: Your birthday? Well, how old are you?

A: I'm twelve years old. is your birthday, Lyn?

B: My birthday is on January the (thirty).

A: Well, do you want (come) to my birthday party?

B: Yes! And I want to go Lisa. Oh! When is the party?

A: At 4 o'clock in the afternoon in our classroom.

B: OK. Will our (teach) Mr. Li come?

A: Yes, he will come, .

B: Lisa will be happy to meet him at your birthday party. He is (Lisa) favorite teacher.

A: His (class) are very interesting. We all like him.

B: That's for sure. He is interesting person.
