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    Do stars only appear at night? The answer is no .Venus (金星) is the one and only star that can be seen in the daytime. It shone at its brightest in the night sky on February 17th, 2017.

    Venus is the second planet from the sun in our solar system. It is the second brightest natural object, behind Earth's moon, in the night sky. Why is it so bright?

    First of all, Venus is the closest planet to Earth. It is also covered by highly reflective (反射的)clouds, which can reflect about 70 percent of the sunlight striking(照射) it, almost twice as much as Earth does.

    Some called 2017 the year of Venus, because the planet is at its brightest when it goes further away from the sun, and nearer to Earth. The brightest moment happened once in February, and happened again, during daylight, on April 30th.

    If Venus is so bright and close to us, isn't it a better choice for human exploration than Mars? It is closer to Earth than Mars and it's closer to Earth in size. The closer distance to the sun means solar power would be easier to generate (产生) as well.

    However, with a temperature of about 465℃on the surface, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system!

    But scientists never give up. Recently, a team of NASA and Russian scientists created new computer equipment that can stand the temperature of 480℃. It can work under Venus-like conditions for almost 22 days.

    The next step, according to the scientists, is to send a probe(探测器)to Venus by 2025.
