组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Schools in the UK are cutting time spent on PE lessons because of exam pressures. Secondary school teachers said that older teenagers were especially likely to miss out, because the time spent on physical education for 14-16 -year-olds had fallen in the past five years.

    Teachers said that increased pressure to produce exam results was leading to children being pulled out of PE lessons. One in three said exam pressures were behind the decline, and they said subjects such as English and Maths had been given more time at the cost of PE.

    Almost all of the teachers from the 487 schools said PE should be more valued for its advantages to young people. Mental health experts also warned that cutting down on exercise could increase children's mental health problems. Cal Strode, spokesman for the Mental Health Foundation, said cutting PE time would be "short-sighted and dangerous". He said, "It is worrying to hear that PE is being cut at a time when students are facing problems with stress and anxiety in increasing numbers. There's a close relationship between mental and physical health."

    Tom Madders, director of campaigns at charity Young Minds, said, "Schools' cutting down on physical education because of exam pressures is worrying. Schools that value health also do better in study, so it makes sense to keep good health, rather than putting children under more pressure."

    Rising exam stress has been raised as a problem by experts who warn that children are under greater pressure because of a competitive jobs market. Ali Oliver, an expert, said, "The PE is good for physical and mental health. So cutting down physical education time is depriving young people of these advantages at a time when they need them most."
