组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Going for a walk through the forest is my favourite part of a day. Benji loves it, too. There are rabbits to run after and flowers to smell. Benji is my dog, by the way, and I'm Grace.

    I live on a farm with my parents and I take Benji for a walk most days after school. Dad doesn't think it is a good idea for me to wark through the forest. "Don't talk to strangers," he often says. Though the truth is that there's almost no one here, just me, Benji and lots of rabbits and birds.

    One day, while Benji ran ahead, I stopped and took a photo of a beautiful butterfly that rested on a flower. A new Facebook photo? Maybe, but my friends at school usually tease me with the nickname "Nature Girl", so perhaps not. After putting my phone away, I heard Benji barking along the path. Benji usually barks to say hello, and he wouldn't hurt anyone. But of course, other people don't know that. Benji was barking and jumping round a boy. He was holding some wood in his arms and looked worried.

    "Benji, stop! Come here!" I shouted. I reached into my bag for Benji's ball. I was about to say sorry to the boy, but he had gone.
