组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Young people and older people sometimes have different (看法) on work and life. But last month in one special program in New York State, teenagers and adults lived together and. (影响) each other in a friendly way.

    Each summer 200 teenagers and adults live and work together for eight weeks as a group. Everyone works several hours each day.  Lots of vegetables and fruit,(种植) on the farms, (包括) carrots, tomatoes and apples. Teenagers learn to (修理) things like tables and chairs with the help of the adults.

    When people live together, rules are (必要的). In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together and follow the rules together. Also, they make a (协议) to decide everything together. If they have a problem in living or working, they will discuss it and work it out. Sometimes, adults are (明智的) than teenagers in solving problems, but teenagers have quicker mind.

    One of the teenagers says about his experience, "we stop thinking only about (我们自己). We learn to think about the  (整个的) group."
