组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Toby, an 11-year old boy, is playing with a ball. The ball goes into the street and Toby runs for the ball.

    A car hits(碰撞) Toby. An ambulance(救护车) takes Toby to the hospital in 30 minutes. The doctors at the hospital tell Toby's parents, "Toby is in a coma."

    Every day, Toby's parents visit him at the hospital. They sit next to Toby's bed and talk to him. But Toby never talks to them. He just sleeps.

   One day Toby's father says, "Wake up, Toby. Wake up, come home and play with Rusty." Rusty is Toby's dog.

    When Toby's father says "Rusty", Toby moves his arm(胳膊). "Rusty!" Toby's father says again. Again, Toby moves his arm.

    Toby's parents have an idea. They tell the nurse,

    "We want to bring Toby's dog to the hospital." The nurse says "OK".

    The next day, Toby's parents bring Rusty to the hospital. When they put the dog on Toby's bed, Toby opens his eyes and hugs the dog.

    Toby's parents bring Rusty to the hospital every day. One day, Rusty jumps onto Toby's bed and scratches(抓) his arm. Toby says his first words, "Bad dog!"

    After eight weeks, Toby is well. He leaves the hospital and goes home.
