组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    When I was in the third grade, my teacher gave us some seeds. She told us the seeds could turn into some beautiful flowers one day if we 1 them and look after them 2.

    I took the seeds home and put them in a pot. I watered them for a few days and some purple 3 came out. I reported to my teacher that the seeds turned into purple flowers. My classmates' turned into red, white and yellow flowers. We all felt excitedly and were 4 by the magic of nature. When the bell rang, we drew a conclusion that gardening was wonderful. I felt in love with gardening from that day.

    One day, an old couple moved in next door. They gave me some 5 from their garden. I found they grew the best tomatoes I had ever tasted. I wanted to grow some myself. Therefore, I asked my mother to buy some tomatoes for me to plant. Day by day, I looked after my garden and took out weeds. I always watched my tomatoes and found myself suddenly became interested in 6. Because I always wished rain would water my tomatoes so that they could grow up quickly. My brother made fun of me and said I was a little farmer. Finally, my tomatoes were big, but I found some of my tomatoes were gone one morning. I was sad and 7. Who 8 my tomatoes? It was some rabbits! I wanted to drive them away but my father stopped me and said they were 9 and hungry. I should 10 happiness with other! So I did and I became happier.
