组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

   Cropping(修剪) an Image With the Snap Shot Program

    Welcome to the world of photo-editing!

    Cropping an image allows you tozero in on(对准,聚焦) just the portion that is important to your project. For example, you may want to insert an image of a covered train in a report but may not want to include the whole train. Cropping the image allows you to select only the small area you wish toretain(保留) and eliminate all other portions of the original picture.

    Option 1: Cropping by Placing the Image in a Shape

    Screen Shot 1

    Using one of Snap Shot's standard shapes as a photo-editing tool requires no special abilities to crop an image with a standard shape:


    a. Click Cropping & Orientation from the Effects menu.

    b. Click to select one of the six shapes to frame your image.

    c. Use the mouse pointer to draw a frame around the portion of the image you wish to retain. Re-size the frame by dragging the shape's sizing handles. When you are satisfied with the results, click Cut It.

    d. Snap Shot will automatically return to the project that is open. (You may also copy or cut the cropped image and paste it into another application.)

    Option 2: Freehand Cropping of an Image

    Screen Shot 2

    If you want to trace the shape of an object in order to crop out everything else, freehand cropping is the way to go. To crop an image freehand:


    a. Click Freehand Crop from the Cropping & Orientation option on the Effects menu.

    b. Using the mouse pointer, trace around the shape you want to crop. Be sure to completely enclose the image by ending at the same place you began outlining.

    c. Click Cut It. Snap Shot will automatically return to the project that is open.
