组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    This morning Tom gets up at 6:00. Today his family is going to move(搬家)into a new house.

    Tom and his family are busy putting their things into some boxes. When Tom helps to put some glass cups into a box, he breaks one of them. He hurts(使受伤)his right hand. Mum tries to find some Band-Aids(创可贴) for him. But she forgets where the Band-Aids are. So she has to open the boxes one by one. Dad comes quickly to help them. But he falls over. He hurts his hand, too. At last they find the Band-Aids in one of the boxes. Most of the boxes are open now. The family have to pack(打包)them again。

    There are so many boxes in the house. Dad puts some of them behind the door. Later, some friends come and they help to move all the things onto the truck.

    In the new house, Dad starts tocountthe boxes. One, two, three, four…There are only twenty boxes.

    Where is the last box? Is it behind the door of their old house? They don't know.
