组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    Kentucky Fried Chicken has launched a new themed branch in honor of Lei Feng, a legendary soldier(celebrate) in China for his(self) and modesty, in his hometown Changsha, Hunan province

    The restaurant opened on Sunday, two days before the(office)remembrance day marked across the country every year on March 5people celebrate his spirits by showing goodwill and givinghelping hand to others.

    The restaurant will organize series of activities and also cooperate with the local Lei Fen Memorial Hall towell promote Lei Feng's spirits.the entrance to the restaurant stand two big Lei -like statues and its inner part(decorate) with Lei's cartoon portraits and quotes from his diary, with words from his poems playing in the background

    He Min, general manager of KFC in Hunan province, told voc. com. en that in addition to the themed restaurant, they will also launch a project devoted to Lei's virtues in 250 outlets(门店)across the province, including(provide ) free drinking water and resting(place) for gate guards
