组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    It is half past five in the afternoon. It is  (下雨) hard outside. Amy gets home from the  (医院). She is an English girl. She is not happy, because her mother is not at home. Where is her mother? She doesn't know. Now only she is at home. Her brother Bill likes sports and he is  (英俊的). He always spends a lot of time  (游泳)in the pool. Her sister Ann goes to the  (电影) with her friends. When Amy is  (学习) in her room, Mrs. Li comes back with a shopping bag. Amy sees her mother and runs to help her take it. They come in and Amy  (找到) three hamburgers in the bag. They are her favorite food. Amy  (想念) them very much.

    "The  (另外的) two are for Bill and Ann,"says her mother. "You can have one."

    "They are  (美味的). Can I have two?" says Amy.

    "Yes, you can." says her mother. "Go and cut yours in half."
