组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Chinese are very generous (慷慨的) when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about the 1, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad-to England, the USA or Australia. The Chinese 2 that the more expensive the education is, the better it is. 3 parents will spend a lot of money on their children's education. Even 4 parents will buy a computer for their son or daughter. Though they're not rich, they would rather pay for the education.

    Parents can 5 that their children's skills are different, skilled (有技能的) in some areas while poor in others. But most 6 fail to realize that the children today need more self-confidence.

    The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to 7 tests and how to study well, but they are not teaching them the most important skills that they need. And these skills are important to help them to be 8, happy and clever.

    Parents can achieve this 9 teaching their children the skills like cooking or doing other housework.

    Teaching a child to cook will 10 many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking needs patience and time. It is an interesting but difficult experience. A good cook 11 tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish 12 job successfully. His result, a well - cooked dinner, will make him 13 good and give him a lot of self-confidence.

    Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play 14, will make him interested and want to know more. He will spend hours studying them and trying to fix them. Your child might become an engineer when he 15. These activities are teaching a child not only to study at school, but also to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.
