组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. What should I do?

B. I was arguing with my mother.

C. Because she didn't allow me to eat snacks.

D. It's a good idea.

E. Why don't you talk to her?

A: What were you doing at 7 yesterday evening? I called you, but you didn't pick up.

B: .

A: Why did you argue with your mother?

B: . You know, I love snacks.

A: Why didn't she allow you to eat snacks?

B: She thought they were bad for my health and she didn't want me to be as heavy as her.

A: You can tell her that you will eat fewer snacks and exercise more.

B: I think it's no use talking to her.

A: What about asking your father for help?

B: . Hope things will work out.
