组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Sing a Song of People

    by Lois Lenski

    Sing a song of people

    Walking fast or slow;

    People in the city

    Up and down they go.


5  People on the sidewalk,

    People on the bus;

    People passing, passing,

    In back and front of us.

    People on the subway


10 Underneath the ground.

    People riding taxis

    Round and round and round.

    People with their hats on,

    Going in the doors;


15 People with umbrellas

    When it rains and pours.

    People in tall buildings

    And in stores below;

    Riding elevators


20 Up and down they go.

    People walking singly,

    People in a crowd;

    People saying nothing,

    People talking loud.


25 People laughing, smiling,

    Grumpy people too;

    People who just hurry

    And never look at you!

    Sing a song of people


30 Who like to come and go;

    Sing of city people

    You see but never ________!
