组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Mr. Brown has got a dog. Its name is Ben. And the dog is very good to Mr. Brown.

    One hot day, Mr. Brown returned home from work and said to himself, "I want to know where the water jar (罐子) is." Then he found the water jar with clean water. Mr. Brown wanted to drink some water. But the dog barked (吠叫).

    "Oh, Ben! Please be quiet! I will give you some water," said Mr. Brown. But the dog didn't stop barking and even jumped up to him. "What? Let me drink some water first. Then I will give you something to eat," said Mr. Brown. But the dog still didn't stop barking. And the dog still jumped up and even broke the jar at last. Mr. Brown got very angry (生气的). But soon, he found a snake (蛇) in the pieces of the jar. He knew about the snake. It waspoisonous. It could be very dangerous for him if he drank the water. Mr. Brown thanked the dog a lot.
