组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. hurt     B. kind     C. of     D. whether     E. stay     F. back

G. what     H. food     I. before     J. better     K. eyes     L. impolite

    A few years ago, a little boy, not more than eight years old, went to the store himself.

    While he was going home, a dirty dog followed him. The dog was weak because it had a sore leg. After he found the dog was badly , he let it follow him home.

    The little boy's mother taught him to be and friendly. However, when the little boy asked his mother he would let the dog come into the house or not, she hesitated (犹豫)."We have no room for it," said she. The poor dog seemed to understand she said. It looked so sad! The little boy almost cried when he saw the dog's big looking up to him sadly.

    His mother was actually kind, too. She did not drive the poor hungry dog away, but let it in the yard. The little boy gave the dog some , water and clean dry grass to lie on. They also made it clean.

    After a few days the dog was with the help of the boy and his mother. It began to show how happy and thankful it was. Because their kindness, the dog finally found a home. It did what a dog could do to be a helpful family member.
