组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A small boy was trying to move a big wooden box out of his yard. The box was much 1 than the boy. He tried his best to move it, but the box would not move at all. After 2 for a glass of water, the boy tried to move it once more. This time, he pushed harder, but he still 3 move the box a bit. He was quite tired and lost heart

    The boy's 4 was coming home from work around this time. He stopped to watch his son's fruitless efforts. The father didn't help him, 5 instead asked, "Son, have you tried your best? I mean, are you doing 6 you can?"

    "Yes, I am!" the boy cried.

    "No," his father said calmly, "you're not. You have not asked me to7 you can?"

    Asking for help is not a weakness. Many people need help, and 8 the best of us need help. It is 9 to know when to ask for help and understand why you need it. Never be afraid to ask others for help when you're in 10.
