组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Last summer, Tina had to stay with Aunt Betsy in California because her(parent) needed to work in another city for a month.

    Tina never saw Aunt Betsyso she was a little nervous. Aunt Betsy told her the in California was sunny, so Tina(take) some shorts and T-shirts. She put some books and magazines in her bag because she liked(read). Her favorite book were about horses.

    On theto Aunt Betsy's house, Tina saw many horses on the farm. Tina liked it very much and she wished she could have a horse some day.

    When they(arrive) at Aunt Betsy's house, Tina saw a tall brown horse!

    "Have you(see)the brown horse? Her name is Lucky. Usually, I visit hera week, every Saturday afternoon for an hour. We can go riding together this weekend, "said Aunt Betsy.

    Tina felt happy her aunt and she had thehobby. It was going to be a wonderful vacation.
