组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Do you know when Earth Day is? It is on April 22nd, and it began in the US in 1970. Earth Day in our country began in the 1990s. Earth Day is a good time for people to think about what they can do to make the Earth clean and beautiful, because now the environment on Earth is getting worse and worse. In fact, there are many things we can do to protect our Earth.

    Plant trees.

    Planting more trees helps to reduce greenhouse gases (温室气体), stop the earth from running away and provide homes for animals.

    Don't waste.

    Do not waste water. Use both sides of paper when you write. Turn off the light when you leave. Take your cup with you. Take your own shopping bags to the supermarket. Stop using the plastic bags. Don't use any disposable things. We should save energy.

    Don't throw rubbish in the streets.

    When rainwater washes over the rubbish, it becomes polluted. The polluted water flows into the rivers and seas.

    Ride your bike or take a bus.

    Too many cars pollute the air and waste energy.

    Remember: Every day is Earth Day.

    We should protect the Earth every day, not just on Earth Day. The Earth is our home. Let's do our best to make the Earth cleaner and more beautiful.
