组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    "I want to know how to speak English well. What can I do?"Bill asks this question like many students do. I ask him, "How do you learn English?"He answers, "Only in the English lessons." The first thing I will say is, "That is not enough!"

    If you want to speak English well, you have to practise. Speak to friends, classmates or foreigners in stores. Speaking is the best way to learn a language.

    In my lessons I usually ask my students how they feel about speaking English, and they often say "nervous" "scared" or some words like these. The second advice I can give is to relax. Don't worry about making mistakes. If you can't think of the right word to use, don't worry about it and just say what you want to say.

    Speaking English well isn't just about practising your speaking. It is also important to listen to English. Listen to the English programmes.
