组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A primary school bus driver stopped the bus in a gas station in Ohio because he had to use the bathroom. Instead of turning off the engine(引擎)and taking the key with him, the driver left the bus running. And he forgot to set the parking brake(刹车)because he was in a hurry. "It was cold outside, and I didn't want the kids to get cold while I was using the bathroom, "he told the police officer.

The bus slowly started moving away from the gas station. As the bus picked up speed, the kids began shouting and crying. Ten-year-old Jake ran forward to the driver's seat and held the steering wheel(方向盘). He pressed hard on the brake pedal(踏板)and managed to stop the bus as it came nearer to a river bed. Jake turned off the engine at last. After the police arrived at the scene, they praised Jake for his great effort.

    "That is a cool kid, "said the police officer." I told him he would become a great police officer when he grew up."

    Jake wasn't impressed with what he did. "Stopping the bus, "he said, "was easy compared to playing Grand Theft Auto Ⅲ, my favourite action video game. "The police took the bus driver to the police station. He was at first charged(指控)with" leaving a child alone while the motor is running". The lawyer said he hoped toupgradethe charge because of the number of children (twenty)on the bus.

    "Whatever he is charged with, "the police officer said, "I believe that he never drives a bus again."
