组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My friend, Mr Walker, is a good doctor and he has a 1. So he has enough money to travel all over the world, He likes to play with the children and has a lot of little 2. They often ask him to tell them all kinds of funny things he has seen. It makes them happy and his room is 3 full of children when he's free.

    It was my little son's seventh 4 yesterday. The boy asked his old friend Mr Walker to the party. He called Mr Walker himself and told him about it. At half 5 seven, the boy was waiting for his coming at the gate. As soon as (一……就) he saw his car, he ran towards him. Mr Walker came on time, with a nice gift in his 6. After dinner the children sat around and asked him to tell them some funny stories. Mr Walker agreed and his 7 made them laugh again and again. At last he told them the funniest story. He said, "One day I reach a city on a foggy day. The fog is the thickest (最浓的) in the world…"

    "Please wait a minute, Mr Walker, 8 my son." It's said the fog in 9 is the thickest in the world."

    "You re 10, my boy," said the funny man. "But the city has so much fog that I can't see it at all."
