组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a city full of special sights. The tall glass shopping centres in the city look very modern. But( 在...后面) them are places where life hasn't changed for over 100 years- the canals(运河),which were  (建造) many years ago. These canals are home to many Thai people who(从不) leave there.

    There are four markets on the canals around Bangkok, and the (最古老的) and most popular one is in the town of Damonen Saduak

This market  (开) early every morning. People get there(早地) by water taxi.

    It's a noisy but wonderful place. Ladies sit in small boats, filed with  (新鲜的) fruit and vegetables for sale. But the boats don't just sell food. Would you like a silk (领带)?A, traditional hat? Then just call and  (指) at them.

    After the noise and excitement of the market, continue along the canal, soon you'll see many wooden houses, colourful flowers and hear lovely  (鸟) singing in the fruit trees, It's a peaceful way to finish your trip.
