组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

he, kill, scared, silly, lie, courage, hear, against, fight, strong

    One sunny afternoon, a young deer and an old deer were under a tree in the forest. Suddenly, in the distance, they some sounds of dogs' barking.

    The old deer stood up quickly. He felt nervous and . He said to the young deer, "Be quick! It's time to find a place to hide in. The barking dogs are fierce(凶猛的) and they will us."

    The young deer laughed and said, "Why should we hide from the dogs? We are bigger and

    than them. We can toss(扔)them aside with our big antlers(角). We should fight with them bravely. "

    The old deer admired the of the young deer, but he did not believe the young. "We'd better run away now." said the old deer.

    The young deer refused to run away. He decided to fight the dogs. As the dogs ran to , he put down his antlers and wanted to toss them aside. But he didn't win the because there were too many dogs. He was killed by the dogs in the end.

    The young deer lost his life because he didn't know his strength and weakness. We can learn a lesson from the story. Don't be like the young deer when we are in danger. We should know our strength and weakness.
