组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Joe Connor comes from Kinsley and works in an office in Kansas City. His job is a typical nine-to-five, Monday-to-Friday job. So at the weekend, he does something different. He likes traveling but he works as a volunteer too. He helps different people for free. Every weekend, there's a new project.

    This weekend, Joe is helping to build a house. You can see him in the photo. He's moving a large blue panel(板子). It's part of a wall. Joe isn't a professional builder, but that's the interesting thing about this project. The other people are" weekend builders" too. These "weekend builders" are from the small town of Greensburg in Kansas. A year ago, a tornado(龙卷风) hit their town. After the tornado, the community started a project to build new homes. The project is for 30 new homes. They get some help from a building company and a group of volunteers. Joe says," I heard about the tornado and the new project. I knew some people in Greensburg. I wanted to help." Joe's friends are here this weekend too. They're working with Jill and Scott.

    Jill and Scott are both from Pratt, and they are building their" dream house". Jill (on the right) is standing near his new house. He's holding a part of the new wall. They're making the house that can fight against tornadoes ﹣that's why it has an unusual shape.

    Their house is almost ready, so next weekend, Joe is moving to a different project. Why does he do? "Though busy, I can help people. I can make friends and that is fun! So, why not?" he says.
